finally got a double din.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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finally got a double din....


Active Member
February 11, 2007
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2000 Eddie Bauer V8!
originally I wanted the AVIC-D3 from Pioneer, but the equalizer on it sucked so I settled for my new love the Jensen VM9022. Paid $425 for and this thing is amazing. 6.5" touch screen, built in bluetooth, sd card slot, navigation, picture in picture, xm/sat inputs, rear view camera input, touchscreen ipod control (plays ipod music video and photos, can only control music through radio), usb input, 3 a/v inputs, 2 video outputs, front rear sub AND center channel inputs. Man, this headunit is great for such a cheap price. Had to trim the bezel a little but that sucker is in there I cant wait until I finished the truck. Pic below, more to come.


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Sounds like a nice addition. What happened to the plastic around the screen and AC controls? Did you paint it?

Good choice.

I was on the fence for the D3 for a long time, but it's absolutely poor navigation programming chased me away. (Read some of the complaints at

Sounds like a nice addition. What happened to the plastic around the screen and AC controls? Did you paint it?

yea, awhile ago (before i got the radio) I painted the bezel with truck bedliner, it matches my cupholders.

wow thats pretty bold, spraying your interior radio bezel with truck bedliner, that takes balls

Watch DVD

JaeKThomas are you able to view DVD while driving?


JaeKThomas are you able to view DVD while driving?


aftermarket dvd/double din/ flip outs are able to view it while driving with either a switch, grounding the wire, over ride codes, etc. Just need to see what it wants to see for inputs from e-brake and/or foot brake.
Jensen/Phase Linears - Over ride codes or switch
Alpine - PTR7 (aka TR7) or switches


Does this double DIN allows you to watch movies from your ipod? Also, does the actual in-deck unit play the DVDs or an outside source?

some of the avic head units dont allow you to watch movies because the use the damn navigation to tell when your driving or in motion SOOOOOOOOOO one of the installers at a shop i used to work had had a brilliant moment well they have a video input and video out put well the out put is for external screens and the unit allows you to play the dvd in the background for other screen and use the rear camera displayed on the unit itself so with this done the signal being sent out is thrown in a u-turn back to the unit making it think its sending the signal to a seperate screen while recieving a signal from the rear view camera thus allowing you to watch movies while driving with no modifications switches or codes lol wow i hope that made sense

ha thanks... but i was just wondering if this particular unit would allow you to play videofrom the ipod and if there was a slot to put your DVD in directly in the head unit... does the screen come down a little bit to reveal the slot? I know this unit has a simple code to put in as the thread creator said, i was just wondering if it allowed you to do this... thanks

most double dins flip the screen down and bottom part out. this is the unit i have and this is what im talking about
most do this in fact i havent seen a double din reciever that doesnt do this as far as the ipod video direct thing i havent seen a unit that will play video through the cable im sure theres a couple out there just havent seen them
