First generation brakes? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First generation brakes?


November 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Allentown, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt
It seems that whenever I replace the disc brake pads its only a short period of time before the rotors warp. When they get turned then they warp that much sooner due to the lack of thickness. Does anybody have a solution for this problem..... I am so tired of the chatter when I go to stop. I average about 20k miles from a set of pads. The latest rotors were last purchased from NAPA.


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maybe get higher quality pads? i am not really sure man

There is a company that has slotted rotors, I forget the name, but search under the hood, and you will find it. The explorer has under sized brakes which causes them to over heat more than normal, after market rotors probably your best bet, cost is 300 I think for both rotors, and high pro. pads.

Thanks Exploder, I saw those rotors too, was hopeing there was a cheaper fix for that, with my luck I am afraid I'll spend all that cash and warp them in 3 weeks

Well I too suffer from the brake warp, and am waiting till spring to buy the slotted, for both rotors and pads, price only about 50 over stock replacements. Rick as well as others are running these, so if you want opinions there is alot out there. Just don't buy drilled rotors, they are weak, and can crack on you.

What are they called and where can I get them?

It is advanced rotor technology, A.R.T., try their website, that was where I had seen them.

i too was warping front rotors like it was my job. if i got 10k miles out of a new set of rotors it was a lot.

i also looked at the ART rotors and considered buying them. then ran into a disaster when i was putting on my warn manual hubs and threw out the rotors, bearings, etc and just picked up another set of car quest rotors, bearings, dust seals, etc...

they have fine and i haul the truck down from highway speeds routinely. 80 plus mph. no problems and my rears are actually adjusted out a little. sometimes you just get lucky i gues...

I tryed ART rotors and pads. They sucked. I installed in May. Immediatly they were warped and making horrible noises. They sent me a new set. Same exact thing. I installed these and within a day they were causing serious vibration and noise. Their customer service is great, but as far as I am concerned don't buy them.

I went to NAPA and bought a new set of rotors, used ART's pads and everything is perfect again.

I am going through rotors and pads annually. I would suggest adjusting the rear brakes constatly. I have begun doing this every 3,000 miles and it seems to help drasticaly.


Just some info here...

ART doesn't make pads.. ART sells Performance Friction pads.. which are available from Autozone etc...

AS for the rotors... I now have 120k miles on 1 set of rotors from ART.. never warped.. I have 1 gouge in 1 rotor from a brake pad failing (shattered)... I still use that rotor (and have for the last 40k miles)...

Some people just have very bad luck with the ART.. but most that I have talked to have good luck.. (I know we do)

Also, I have never had my ART rotors turned... (don't know if that has helped them last longer or not)..


I have read that you need to make sure the caliper side pins need to be properly lubed and make sure the wheel lugs have not been over tightened. Both of these problems could lead to warped rotors. Adding performance rotors could help the problem as well.
