For Sale Cold air intake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale Cold air intake


New Member
April 2, 2022
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City, State
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Explorer Sport Trac
Hi everyone. I have a K&N 63-2573 Performance Intake Kit for sale. It was installed on my 2009 Explorer Sport Trac 4.6 V8. I am including 2 filters (so one is always clean) and a cleaning oil kit. It’s been on my truck since 2018 so it’s used. But always kept clean. Shipping would be from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. $150 OBO

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OK - it's been sold so I have a question. It was listed as a 'Cold air intake' and also as a 'performance intake'.
My V8 is technically already a cold air intake - it pulls air from the front of the vehicle - not from the engine compartment. Pretty familiar with that plumbing - it helps to pull it when you do the passenger side exhaust manifold. Looking at the pic it appears to pull air from the same place as my stock air cleaner so I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
Performance intake is arguable and never will be settled - but cold air intake?

OK - it's been sold so I have a question. It was listed as a 'Cold air intake' and also as a 'performance intake'.
My V8 is technically already a cold air intake - it pulls air from the front of the vehicle - not from the engine compartment. Pretty familiar with that plumbing - it helps to pull it when you do the passenger side exhaust manifold. Looking at the pic it appears to pull air from the same place as my stock air cleaner so I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
Performance intake is arguable and never will be settled - but cold air intake?
Nearly every stock intake is a cold air intake. I still use the stock intake box on my 1989 Mustang. The aftermarket conical filters never worked as good as the stock intake box once the baffle in the fender was removed. I used it and made 435 rwhp and 462 rwtq. It was never a restriction and pulled in plenty of cool air from the passenger side fender.

The aftermarket intakes with a larger MAF diameter requires a custom tune to compensate for the different MAF calibration. The tune is where the bulk of the power gains come from. The intake not so much. The tune makes more power mostly from the aggressive tuning parameters resulting from using higher octane gas and not the aftermarket air intake.
