Ford 8.8 with disc brakes questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford 8.8 with disc brakes questions


Well-Known Member
August 3, 2012
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Upstate NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Explorer XLT
Hey guys I'm not used to journeying into the second Gen forums as I have a third Gen but what's up!

My buddy is looking for a ford 8.8 that had disc brakes (I believe 97-01)

It is for an 89 Jeep Wrangler and he is hoping to find one with the lowest gears possible. Did any second gens come with 4.10s or even 4.56 would be nice bit I don't think they came in either of those ratios did they? If so, how rare are they to find in those ratios.

If anyone has info on what models had what rear ends and disc breaks and all that that would be super helpful. Thanks

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My 99 is 4.10, can't verify other years though.

My 98 also has 4.10 gears and disc brakes.

I know for a fact that the 4:10 were used. I did the same swap that your buddy is doing in my 95 YJ. I also did one in a 98 XJ that had 3:73's. Most of your 4:10 will be in the 4.0 sohc motors with the tow package. Explorer sport trac's had them too. Now finding a 4:10 with the limited slip is a hard one.

It may not be the same with the rear but the Sport Trac has larger front rotors. May be worth confirming.

Thanks for all the info. Limited slip isn't a big deal because he can add a lunchbox locker for a few hundred bucks but it would be nice for sure.

95-03 sports have disks (as all 95-01's do) but the majority of sports have 4.10's. if you look real hard, you might find one with a LS in it

4:10 is pretty common. 4:56 only came on rangers with drums. I believe the fx4 lvl 2 is 31 spline

95-03 sports have disks (as all 95-01's do) but the majority of sports have 4.10's. if you look real hard, you might find one with a LS in it

OK cool. Shouldn't be hard to get an open diff one at least. At 260 for a lunchbox I don't think he will be too concerned with ls if they are so hard to find

Thank for the info guys this will really help the search!

Thanks for all the info. Limited slip isn't a big deal because he can add a lunchbox locker for a few hundred bucks but it would be nice for sure.

If he is going to add a traction device, he should look for a non limited slip model then. If he gets a LS diff he is very limited for lunchbox lockers that fit in the LS carrier. The open carrier has lots of lunchbox locker options.

If he is planning to use something that replaces the carrier (Detroit full locker) then it won't matter.


If he is going to add a traction device, he should look for a non limited slip model then. If he gets a LS diff he is very limited for lunchbox lockers that fit in the LS carrier. The open carrier has lots of lunchbox locker options.

If he is planning to use something that replaces the carrier (Detroit full locker) then it won't matter.


For sure. Kinda ironic how it is almost better to have an open diff if you want to add traction...

I don't think he has even thought that far ahead yet as we weren't even sure what years to look for, but now that we know more of the specifics we will go from there. Thanks everybody.

I just picked up a 4;10 limited slip with disc brakes and a front with 4:10 and 2 front axles for 550 dollors. I`m going to install in my 01 sport because it has 3:73 open.

OK guys. We got a hold of an 8.8 with disc brakes and limited slip for 150 bucks!!! It turns and looks to be in good shape we will know when we take the cover off. Thanks for the help on this!!!

Worst case scenario I'm sure we could turn it over for a profit on Craigslist I'd something didn't go right

Good news. Finally got it all mounted up under the Wrangler. It was actually a farily simple process even welding on the new brackets wasn't bad. Thanks for all the help guys!
