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Ford and UAW contract


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2001
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City, State
Spanish Fork, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT and '87 Bronco II
Just found this article at USA today. I guess this is the year when Ford, GM, and Chryslyer sit down with the United Auto Workers union and renew, revise, etc. their contracts. It will be interesting to see how this develops. A few interesting things I found in this article:
1) The differences in cost for domestic automakers vs foreign "transplants" (plants in the US that build "foreign" autos like Toyota, Honda, etc). They claim, for example, that "U.S. automakers spend $8,655 a vehicle on labor costs vs. $6,052 for the Japanese transplants."
2) Different contracting goals (if these are really what they want, they are not going to tip their hand too much before negotiations start) between GM and Ford/Chrysler. GM wants to negotiate a reduction in health care benefits, where Ford and Chrysler are more interested in cutting jobs.
3) The UAW wants to find some way to represent more workers, in particular in the "transplants".
