Ford Sync 2009 EB in Spanish, need to change to English | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Sync 2009 EB in Spanish, need to change to English

Cade _ATL

Active Member
April 11, 2019
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Explorer EB V8 4x4
Just picked up my new to me 2009 EB

Went to pair my phone and the Sync system is set to Spanish. Any one know how to set it back to English?

Or a link to the Sync Guide in Spanish? I know just enough Spanish to get my self in trouble, or to figure out the menu settings if I have the English manual and Spanish one side by side.

I have the 6 Disc Audio System, no Navigation.


Update, I found the Sync guide in Spanish on the Ford.MX site I'll try to see if it gets me there, but some help would still be appreciated!

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Thanks! I had found that, but all the menu selections on mine were in Spanish, and I wasn't good enough to translate.
I did print out the Sync Spanish guide for the pages I needed, and going through the steps on both manuals side by side, I was able to get it set to English!

You really only needed the English version - everything is in the same order. Just have to keep count!

You are so right! I was probably being overly cautious. Being in IT, I've seen some menu driven applications that like to go alphabetically...

What would have been great would have been a Sync voice command to "Set Language to x.. (English)" since it listens in all supported languages simultaneously.

You are so right! I was probably being overly cautious. Being in IT, I've seen some menu driven applications that like to go alphabetically...
Understood - I am also in IT and you learn not to take things for granted even if they make perfect sense :chug:

PICNIC = Problem In Chair Not In Computer
An old Air Force mnemonic... :snicker:

Often, the problem turns out to be a 'loose nut on the keyboard'.
