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Ford Touch / Sync not working

cory -
i believe in the past you may have referenced an overhaul to the mft and just wondered if this is still on the "to do" list somewhere at ford and what sort of timetable has been applied to it. I just returned from a long vacation and while the explorer was a very comfortable car to take the kids in, the mft was very buggy. Problems with slow or no response to initial screen touches, huge problems with multiple iphone/ipod devices in the car at the same time and transitioning from one device to the other via bluetooth and other quirks should be a fairly easy thing to fix.

I do think that ford got a bit "touch screen happy" when designing the interior and perhaps a few more real buttons would be a welcome change moving forward. Regardless, can you say if there is a mft overhaul in the works that will applied to current owners?

Secondly, the maps in the navigation are woefully out of date. There have been two occasions already since i purchased the vehicle 2 months ago in which the nav system did not find the destination or the road simply did not exist. What is more curious is my garmin did find both of these locations and those maps have not been updated since i purchased the unit over a year and a half ago. When will there be a map update?



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The Telenav maps are terribly out of date, but the problem goes way beyond an old SD card.

I did some testing of the accuracy after reading about how bad it was on here. Their online data is terrible. While it technically 'found' each address, ranging from 1 to 30 years old, less than half were actually correct. It has a bad habit of showing the destination a couple of houses or blocks away.

I would assume that their online data would be the latest, so this does not bode well for the data on an SD card produced months before.

Even if, ok I'll say when (my optimism showing through) Ford fixes MFT, the nav system will still be horrible, simply for the map data they are using.

My plea to Ford is to contract with Garmin, or better yet, Google (if they can).

As it stands, the navigation is an $800 option that just doesn't work as well as a $300 Garmin device.

What is Ford's excuse for this one?

Sorry for the rant/hijack.

The Telenav maps are terribly out of date, but the problem goes way beyond an old SD card.

I did some testing of the accuracy after reading about how bad it was on here. Their online data is terrible. While it technically 'found' each address, ranging from 1 to 30 years old, less than half were actually correct. It has a bad habit of showing the destination a couple of houses or blocks away.

I would assume that their online data would be the latest, so this does not bode well for the data on an SD card produced months before.

Even if, ok I'll say when (my optimism showing through) Ford fixes MFT, the nav system will still be horrible, simply for the map data they are using.

My plea to Ford is to contract with Garmin, or better yet, Google (if they can).

As it stands, the navigation is an $800 option that just doesn't work as well as a $300 Garmin device.

What is Ford's excuse for this one?

Sorry for the rant/hijack.

I'm glad I did not purchase the built-in nav, I'm very happy with my Garmin:D

FORD TOUCH Screen Sycn gone black/dead

We have owned a Ford Expedition, Eddie Bauer 2000 that we loved. We replaced it last month with a 2011 Ford Explorer Limited. We were so glad to be able to buy another American made FORD. At one month and 700 miles, the Sync touch screen has gone black. The radio is dead, the back up camera is gone and the touchscreen is dead, dead, dead. We are so disappointed in our decision to go with Ford. We were very excited to find an SUV that met all our criteria, but we expected it to work !! At this moment, we honestly wish we would have waited, or picked a different SUV.
I am going back once again to the dealer, my last trip was for the roof rack that was incomplete at time of purchase. I am hoping with fingers crossed that this can be fixed and we have a fully operational vehicle once again. :(

We have owned a Ford Expedition, Eddie Bauer 2000 that we loved. We replaced it last month with a 2011 Ford Explorer Limited. We were so glad to be able to buy another American made FORD. At one month and 700 miles, the Sync touch screen has gone black. The radio is dead, the back up camera is gone and the touchscreen is dead, dead, dead. We are so disappointed in our decision to go with Ford. We were very excited to find an SUV that met all our criteria, but we expected it to work !! At this moment, we honestly wish we would have waited, or picked a different SUV.
I am going back once again to the dealer, my last trip was for the roof rack that was incomplete at time of purchase. I am hoping with fingers crossed that this can be fixed and we have a fully operational vehicle once again. :(

I know mine went dead like that also, and it was at the most inopportune time, my daughter's wedding in Austin, when I needed it the most. I was one who at one thought about not getting it on my '11 EX, but I'm glad I did. Took it in, and they updated something, but I'm not sure if they had to replace the SD card, because before it went black, it said "SD Card Fault," so maybe that's your problem also. They had mine for 2 days, but they were also keeping it due to that burnt smell in the cabin upon acceleration issue. Hope you have better luck after you get it fixed, but when the radio goes out, man it's like the whole world shuts down.

Bought my Explorer in April and have loved it! 2 days ago the screen went blank and nothing works. I don't think I have the new update because my bluetooth hasn't been working. Got it in the shop today, we'll see what they do!

I hope an update comes out soon. I REALLY would like the sd navigation due to the fact i have the MFT larger screen and sd card input. The system over the past several months since i posted has be come even MORE increasingly LAGGY!!

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you are talking about being able to add navigation in the future. Right?

Currently, if NAV wasn't factory installed there is no way to add it. Here is the link to another thread about this:


When will there be a map update?

There will be an updated SD card released in the early months of 2012.

I am going back once again to the dealer, my last trip was for the roof rack that was incomplete at time of purchase. I am hoping with fingers crossed that this can be fixed and we have a fully operational vehicle once again. :(

Is everything working for you now? If not, please feel free to PM me with the details and I will see what I can do to help!


There will be an updated SD card released in the early months of 2012.


I just ordered my 2012 Explorer for delivery sometime in November. Am I correct in assuming that I will get map data that is already horribly out of date (as members in this thread have indicated), only to have an update come out a month or two after I receive my vehicle? Will this update be free? Most consumer level GPS units give you one free update if new map data is available shortly after purchase.

Thanks for keeping us updated!

I just ordered my 2012 Explorer for delivery sometime in November. Am I correct in assuming that I will get map data that is already horribly out of date (as members in this thread have indicated), only to have an update come out a month or two after I receive my vehicle? Will this update be free? Most consumer level GPS units give you one free update if new map data is available shortly after purchase.

Thanks for keeping us updated!

Yes, your vehicle will have the current map version and will be able to update once the new map SD cards come out. The details for the next map update are still under construction, so we don't have pricing or timing details yet. As soon as I get more information, I will be sure to post it :)


Pricing, I hope Ford know this an issue, not a cost factor to the consumer! The system doesn't work out of the box?

Black screen on My Ford Touch. What to do??

I just purchased a 2012 Explorer two days ago and everything worked fine. When I got in the vehicle yesterday and started it up the MFT screen was blacked out and never turned on. After turning the vehicle on and off a couple times and pushing some buttons still no luck. I then proceeded to google what the problem could be and landed on forums located on this site where I discovered that others seemed to have the same issue but all the posts were from a couple years ago and nothing really recent. I still tried a couple of things I read about such as pulling fuse 29 and disconnecting negative battery terminal and still nothing. The radio comes on in AM for about a minute and then cuts off but still no screen. Has anyone had this problem recently and know how to fix the issue. Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the Forum herringbone.:wavey:
There are a few threads on the subject but I have merged yours with this one. I would guess that your APIM (Accessory Protocol Interface Module) requires replacing. This is the 'brains' of the MFT system. Ford has extended the warranty on the APIM to 5 years.



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Apim location

Thanks for the response. Made some calls and after speaking with dealer they told me the same thing. Just curious on where exactly the APIM is located on a 2012 explorer xlt?

I believe it is under the dash and and probably attached to the firewall.


I just purchased a 2012 Explorer two days ago and everything worked fine. When I got in the vehicle yesterday and started it up the MFT screen was blacked out and never turned on. After turning the vehicle on and off a couple times and pushing some buttons still no luck. I then proceeded to google what the problem could be and landed on forums located on this site where I discovered that others seemed to have the same issue but all the posts were from a couple years ago and nothing really recent. I still tried a couple of things I read about such as pulling fuse 29 and disconnecting negative battery terminal and still nothing. The radio comes on in AM for about a minute and then cuts off but still no screen. Has anyone had this problem recently and know how to fix the issue. Thanks in advance.

Congrats on your new-to-you Explorer, herringbone!

I'm glad Peter was able to shed a little light on this subject. Did you make an appointment with your dealership to have them diagnose and correct this?



Yes I have set my appoitntment to get this problem resolved and the dealership also explained that if it was in fact the APIM that it would be covered under warranty.

Module not working

We have a 2011 Explorer and took it to the dealer today because the main screen works but once inside any of the four corner buttons, everything else doesn't. He said the module doesn't work and if under warranty but they've found a crack on the screen(not visible to the naked eye) so they will not warranty the module. So in essence, Ford has a defective part that they're willing to replace but the dealer won't fix it because they fear it will be rejected. Has anyone ever heard of an issue similar to this?

We have a 2011 Explorer and took it to the dealer today because the main screen works but once inside any of the four corner buttons, everything else doesn't. He said the module doesn't work and if under warranty but they've found a crack on the screen(not visible to the naked eye) so they will not warranty the module. So in essence, Ford has a defective part that they're willing to replace but the dealer won't fix it because they fear it will be rejected. Has anyone ever heard of an issue similar to this?
Welcome to the Forum rkling6410.:wavey:
Not sure about the module problem but there is an existing thread on cracked screens.
I suggest that you send a private message to the Ford rep here, Crystal (FordService) and see if there is anything she can do to assist. You can use this link;
When you PM, be sure to include your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership in your message.
Good luck.


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