FORSan looking for help with 03/04 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FORSan looking for help with 03/04 Explorer


Well-Known Member
January 25, 2019
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City, State
Phoenix AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT 4.6 4WD
First thing I know is I need to program each PCM to use my chipped keys.

Or to turn off PATS if needed.

Are there any other things that will stop my truck from running??

Debated rather to start a new thread of add to an old one I started a while ago.

Figures this is 90% new so felt a new thread.

So it seems that all Explorers after Aug 03 are in fact 04s…just as my 03 is a 02.

I had my 5R55s rebuilt and to get the best life I was told they will have to upgrade the Solenoid Pack to the later model for late 30s thu 05 and to also upgrade the PCM for better communication pack to PCM

After much research and hunting I got two late 03 PCMs, each from a 4WD, 4.6 V8, and 3.73 rear end.

One had a build date of Nov.03 and the other Sept. 03. Both PCMs ID as 04 PCMs. I was told that might happen by Bell Ford in Phoenix AZ.

So the next step is to install and test both PCMs for any compatibility issues.

Once tested and configured I will make a point of sharing all my finding for other who may run into the same problems.

Lastly is /or what features can I change with this program, one I would like is for the so called fog lamps to stay on with both low and high beams, currently they disengage with the high beams.

And other neat features like the lane changing 5 flashes?


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I doubt there's a lot you can change with Forscan on an '03/04. No point to fog lamps with high beams, you wouldn't use them in fog and if going fast enough to need high beams without fog, then fog lamps are useless due to their short throw.

Yes program the keys in with forscan extended license on a windows host device.

Only way to disable PATS is with a custom firmware (aka tune) flashed to the PCM that disables it. There are services on the internet that will do this for $100-something, IIRC. For that matter, someone capable of this might even be able to flash the firmware from an '04 PCM to yours and have it retain the stored key chip memory... not 100% sure about this, you could ask a provider of the PATS delete service if they can, though they may have never tried.

I doubt there's a lot you can change with Forscan on an '03/04. No point to fog lamps with high beams, you wouldn't use them in fog and if going fast enough to need high beams without fog, then fog lamps are useless due to their short throw.

I CALLED then so called "Fog Lamps" because they are too high in the upper part of the bumper so as far asI am concerned they are driving lights, I plan on adding real cut off fog lamps BELOW the bumper, so I will figure out a way to power them when I want them.
Yes program the keys in with forscan extended license on a windows host device.

Only way to disable PATS is with a custom firmware (aka tune) flashed to the PCM that disables it. There are services on the internet that will do this for $100-something, IIRC. For that matter, someone capable of this might even be able to flash the firmware from an '04 PCM to yours and have it retain the stored key chip memory... not 100% sure about this, you could ask a provider of the PATS delete service if they can, though they may have never tried.
I was told you can reprogram new or old Keys I am looking for instructions on how.


Well it seems the PATS has its own modual so swapping the PCM should NOT cause a no run problem.

^ Where is it then? There is the transceiver halo around the ignition cylinder but that's just essentially an electromagnet and antenna. AFAIK, that goes straight to the PCM.

lol, can you please link to specific topics, not pages of search engine hits that may not even be relevant? On second thought, you don't need to, as since I have looked over the PDFs I attached, I'm doubly sure there is no separate module.

Here is the wiring diagram for it, you can clearly see it's just the PCM and the transponder on the steering column and the transponder is not coded to the keys, is a passive receiver and energizer of the coil in the key chip to give it power.

Further I've added the '03 Workship Manual, PATS section where clearly, there is nothing but the transponder going to the PCM.


  • 2003 PATS wiring diagram.pdf
    12.6 KB · Views: 103
  • 2003 PATS Workshop Manual.pdf
    492 KB · Views: 122

OK I have made a deeper look and yes The PATS control module is built into the PCM.

Damn, It really loked like it would be a simple thing to bypass from my first fast look over of the pages I found.

The PATS control module in the PCM provides ground to the starter relay and enables the fuel pump and injectors. I was thinking IF it was external I could just hook a ground or B+ to its output line.

So far all systems to by pass is NOT a by pass it is just to allow other keys to be used but requires the chip from at least one good key.

Back to the drawing board.


Just program them with ELM327 dongle to a windows host to run Forscan with the free extended license trial/whatever.

I tried to join but so far no replay or email.
