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front brakes 95 exp


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November 29, 2002
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was going to do a front break job today. I have a few questions. I removed caliper and hung on a wire as listed in haynes manual. It says rotor will slide right off. NO LUCK. My rotor is stuck or has a screw holding it tight. Also, does caliper brcket have to be removed. Anyone have detailed instructions. What am I missing? thanks in advance for your response.

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You need to remove the caliper bracket to remove the rotors. Then they should come right off, although you may have to persuade it with a rubber hammer. I just replaced mine last weekend, and one was stuck on with surface rust where the center hole fits over the hub. The other one came right off.

Oh yeah, I'm assuming you have 4wd. 2wd is different.

dogfriend, thanks for your info. finished job today. rotors were froze so tight had to heat tnem with a torch to get them to turn loose. thanks again


Welcome Aboard!!! I hope we can help you out more in the future! Good to see some more people who aren't afraid to put a torch to their trucks!


Originally posted by morrisey0

Welcome Aboard!!! I hope we can help you out more in the future! Good to see some more people who aren't afraid to put a torch to their trucks!


As long as they put the torch in the right place. ;) :D
