Front Locker in a 2nd Gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Locker in a 2nd Gen


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
Well, i know this topic has been covered before, I've searched and read about the Aussie, and the discontinued Powertrax lockers for the front IFS. Can any others be used? Like the Detroit E-Z Locker, it's similar to the Aussie? Or is it one of the things where a typical d35 locker won't work in the expo's front end. The Detroit E-Z Locker I'm talking about is part number 812A025 for the D35 27 spline axle. Feel free to bash me if i'm completely wrong...

Yes it's "one of the things where a typical d35 locker won't work in the expo's front end". ONLY a locker specifically designed will fit. If Powertrax discontinued theirs then that would leave the Aussie with no other choices.

Go with the Aussie, I did earlier this year and I'm really happy with it. Carry extra cv shafts since u will break them more often, but besides that I would install one and never look back if I were you.
