Front shock cob job? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front shock cob job?


New Member
October 15, 2003
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City, State
Columbus, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer ED. Br
I've got a 94 Ex. EB 4.0 4x4. I recently replaced the R.A. bushings and noticed that the front shock looked cobed up. The lower mounting bolt/stud was welded behind the R.A. and had the usual nut on the outside. Is this normal? or should there be nuts on either end of the bolt/stud? The welds looked cheesy and my shocks are loose so I’ll need to replace them, i just want to be sure I’m going to get lower mounting hardware like with all the other jobs I’ve done.
Please help

sounds like somone did a cheesy job replacing the shock mounts, Had one break on me a while back, very easy to fix, just grind flush, drill out a hole, and weld in the right bolt, I'll try to remember the size, but I THINK it's an 11/16 by 3.5. If you've got a micrometer it makes it really easy.

:chug: :chug:
