Fuel pump relay?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel pump relay??


September 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Olney, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Today while out on lunch break, my engine just quit all of a suddden on my '94 XLT. It was obvious that no fuel was getting to the engine as I tried to restart it. When I turned the ignition off and then back on I could not hear the fuel pump start up and build pressure like it normally does. I then checked the fule pump cut off switch but it hadn't tripped, so I checked the fuel pump relay under the hood. I smacked it a couple of times and jiggled it around in the fuse box. It then started back up and runs fine so far. Does this sound like a bad relay or just loose connections? Is this a common problem?

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Sounds like a bad conection. I lived with this problem for over a year until I took apart the fuse box and tightend the conections to the relay.

What is this.????

Mine did the exact same thing today. I have a 1991 , is the relay in the fuse box under the hood ?? Is it in the same place as the fuel relay fuse (30A)...

Why take a chance, replace the relay. Then assure good conncetions.

Good luck....

Dead Fuel Pump

Is there any reason that once I hook 12volts directly up to the fuel pump it should not work.? I checked the eec relay and the fuel pump relay and they both seem to be good.. Once I try and start it I can feel the eec relay and the fuel pump relay click at the same time.. Then the fuel pump relay goes off after about two seconds.. That at least tells me that the relays are good. BTW this is a new fuel pump from Ford, and it worked for about 1/2 hour two months ago, then this week I tried to start it and nothing.....

Can anyone tell me which relay is which on a '91?
The middle one is clicking, but the one on either side of it aren't. The middle one is the EEC? I'm trying to find the fuel pump relay.

Thanks for any help
