Fuel Relay Fuse Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Relay Fuse Issue


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4 (4 door)
I've been having problems with the fuel pump relay fuse blowing at the most inopertune times and being stuck and not able to restart the explorer (1992). I've tried changing the fuse right away and it blew out again as soon as I started the truck. So I had it towed to the shop and they said they poped in a new fuse and it started up right away and it wouldn't blow out for them. They let it run and doused the wiring with water,etc. Fuel pressure is good. This has happened a couple times now.
So I took a look under the truck at the back by the fuel tank where the connection plug goes into the wires that go into the fuel tank. The wiring casing has come off and the wires were rubbing against the frame and there's an exposed, slightly corroded wire. So I tried rubbing the wiring against the frame while the truck was running but still couldn't get the fuse to blow out. Is this wiring have anything to do with the fuse blowing out? Or is it just that the fuel pump is starting to go? I don't know why the fuel pressure would be normal though?
Any thoughts??? It's just so unreliable to drive right now - fuse may blow at anytime!

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Have you replaced the fuel pump relay?

I agree, check the FP relay before dropping the tank.

Go with what they said. I had the exact same problem with an old chevy I had. Nothing was wrong with the fuel pump itself, it was a wiring problem.

ya...fuel pump relay was replaced after the first breakdown. That's why I'm wondering if the corroded wires.

Smile.....fixin' the wire is cheaper.

Aloha, Mark

but I don't think it's the wire. I can't get the fuse to blow by wiggling them or touching the bare wire to the frame rail.
