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Gas Tank Skid Plate

Hey--guess what
I have some blue paint---need it? lol

I was wondering the same thing about re-enforcement. Seems like anything done would hang lower

I'm going to stick with strictly flat black, but thanks for the offer :p:

I thought about using 1/4" flat stock 2" wide, sandwiching the skid plate with two strips inside of the factory ridges. But, I don't have any more flat steel and don't want to go buy any steel just yet. Maybe later I will work on that, but then again the gains won't be that much with flat stock. :dunno:

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Id take those spacers nuts out. If you leave it that way all the stress is in a small spot. Take a hard hit and it will bend the frame. I would use some 1/4" flat stock or something similar to get the spacing needed. Maybe angle iron coming out and up the outside of the frame with a few bolts in it to give it extra strength as well. I took a hard hit on my skid plate in my 86 ranger and it bent the frame rail and stock skid plate.

Id take those spacers nuts out. If you leave it that way all the stress is in a small spot. Take a hard hit and it will bend the frame. I would use some 1/4" flat stock or something similar to get the spacing needed. Maybe angle iron coming out and up the outside of the frame with a few bolts in it to give it extra strength as well. I took a hard hit on my skid plate in my 86 ranger and it bent the frame rail and stock skid plate.

I see your point, I started with a piece of 1" square tubing in there, but it hung down way to low. I'll have to find something that is solid and about that thick to put in there. I may get to work on that today.

For adding strength
Maybe some rebar, or something similar welded to the inside (top) of gas tank plate, in the corrugation channels. Would there be room for this? Do you think if they were layed in lengthwise and welded along entire length, it would add stregth???

Thats kind of what I was thinking of, but I was afraid anything much on the inside would rub the gas tank, causing problems. I guess I could space the skid plate down some to make more room, but that would compromise the mounting strength. I don't really know if anything can be done without totally rebuilding the skid plate from heavier materials.


I got some 3/8" thick x 2" wide stock, cut it to length and put it between the frame and the skid plate.

The bolts I welded pieces of flat bar to the top, then dropped them through the frame. That way I didn't have to hold the bolts inside the frame. :)

I still think the 1"x1" x1/4 or 3/16 angle iron layed on the two 1" legs to make a "V" on the bottom of the skidplate might work the best, just cut the ends down at a 45's so you dont have a square end to get hooked on things, should be enough room between the ribs on the plate to put them in between them and should only stick down about a 1/4 (I think) lower then the factory ribs

Sorry don't mean to bring up a old thread buutttttt....

Is that a metal skid plate or is it that cheap thick plastic kind???

i was wheeling today and i broke this mount... I have the crap plastic kind

Thanks in advanced!!!

I'm glad mine came with these covers but I don't wheel. Though I hope it helps keep rust off certain parts.

I just bought a skid plate gas tank and transfer case from my local salvage yard, all brackets and mounting hardware included. $50. I am going to beef it up, paint it and put it on.

man do i love reviving dead threads! but i hope you respond. im looking to get some skid plates. what did you look for at the junk yard? just a 2nd gen explorer? were there any particular ones that definitely have them?

I just walked around and looked under explorers till I found one with em. Unfortunately I think they will be harder to find since so many have been scrapped. Good luck!

sounds good thanks! did any rangers have them?

hey so i found an transfer case skid plate for $15.00 and i can locally pick it up. my question is how the heck does it mount? he said it doesnt have any bracets that it just goes to the frame is that true?

okay thanks :) and then the gas tank one bolts with brackets?
