gear question, we able to runs 4.30s? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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gear question, we able to runs 4.30s?

October 12, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
waldorf, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Did the calculations for what gears I should use with a set of 33s on my truck, new tire diameter divided by old tire diameter times current gear ratio and for my truck it comes out to a 4.26, I know I can pick up a 4.30 for the 8.8 but is there a 4.30 available for the front? Truck is a 96 4.0 ohv xlt with lsd. Truck will have warrior shackles TT and 3" bodylift. Thanks for any help.

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Negative on the 4.30 for the front either 4.10 or 4.56 for the front diff.

Well I guess 4.56s won't be such a bad thing then. I want to lift it and put 33s on it to be able to play a little offroad but the truck will be a daily driver too and I'm not trying to absolutely murder what little gas mileage it does get. I get about 16mpg now with mostly city but some highway. I imagine I might lose 1-2mpg with 4.56s and 33s?

Those gears are for a Dana 30. According to my manual, my car has a Dana 35 in the front. I don't know if they will work. Double check with the manufacturer before you buy it and try to install it yourself.

Nope, sorry did a bit more research and apparently we have the Dana 35 like you said, so nope guess cybergasm was right, only a 4.56 option :( thought I was onto something lol.
Sorry I am a newb to offroad, been racing cars for quite a few years but just now digging into my explorer a bit to have a bit of fun.
I believe this is the gearset I would need:

Try These:


Motive Gear D35-456F - Motive Gear Dana Ring and Pinions
Motive Gear D35-410F - Motive Gear Dana Ring and Pinions

Call Summit Racing. They should have the install kit for these, and the corresponding Motive Gears + install kit for you Ford 8.8 rear differential.

Now in my experience with my Mustang people talk trash about the motive gears saying they make a ton of noise and such, I wouldn't imagine the noise being any less in my truck since the rear is the same old 8.8 as in my Mustang, anybody running Motive's and have some feedback?

What it comes down to is what is available. You can search a little more than I did. All that I did was check Summit Racing. You would probably have better luck checking with the gear maufacturers to see what they have for the Dana 35 in reverse cut. Try Richmond or Ford Racing.

I found richmond sets on summit in 4.56 for both the 8.8 and Dana 35. I thought the Dana 35 for the 2nd gen was regular cut and the 1st gens were the reverse cut?

I don't think the d35 in the 2nd gens is reverse cut only the 1st gens, might want to double check on that though.
