Hard start, #3 misfire, 3.5l | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hard start, #3 misfire, 3.5l


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May 1, 2024
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2013 ford explorer xlt
I have a 2013 no turbo 3.5l. For about a month now, my explorer has been hard starting, but it eventually starts. It runs fine after it starts. I thought maybe a fuel pump, but i can actually smell gas thru the exhaust. It's also pulling a misfire on cylinder #3 on start up. But no CEL. I replaced the plugs, and it started well the first few times, then went back to hard, starting most of the time. I did take a look at the intake and cylinder bore. I dread its a head gasket leak for the differences between cylinders. Could a bad injector do this? Any experience or wisdom on this issue? Im thinking of bringing it into the dealer as if it is, i dont have the facility to pull the engine.



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If you have a fuel smell in the exhaust, wet cylinders, hard start, I am willing to bet your fuel economy has dropped in the past month as well.... I would look into your fuel pressure regulator. Sounds like it's allowing too much fuel, or if it's only cylinder 3 that is wet, look at that fuel injector. It may be stuck open.

Welcome to the Forum eman6398. :wave:


thanks! these sites have been so helpful over the years for doing your own mechanic work.

If you have a fuel smell in the exhaust, wet cylinders, hard start, I am willing to bet your fuel economy has dropped in the past month as well.... I would look into your fuel pressure regulator. Sounds like it's allowing too much fuel, or if it's only cylinder 3 that is wet, look at that fuel injector. It may be stuck open.
I haven't noticed a drop in mileage, I think I will swap out the injector and see if anything changes. And as far as a fuel pressure regulator I believe that is in the pump inside the tank which is not as easy and cheap to do. Also if it were a fuel pressure issue wouldn't it misfire on multiple cylinders on start up?

It could, I just read your first post kina quickly. Figured I would give all possibilities. Never know what could go wrong. The #3 injector could still be weak, and a faulty regulator that is allowing say an extra 25psi could be causing that injector to leak. While replacing the injector, I would run a fuel press test, just to see where you are at on pressure. I'm driving right now, so I do not know what the specs are off hand.

normally it is cheaper in the long run to take to someone that knows how to diagnose an issue vs just throwing parts at it. First thing I would do is hook it up to the computer and see what the trim tabs are doing for each cylinder then go from there.

To follow up on this. I replaced the #3 cylinder injector a few days ago and so far has been starting strong and running well. I guess it makes sense if the injector was leaky relieving the fuel pressure in the lines while it sat for a long time creating a hard start while build up fuel pressure? I also remember getting a strong gas smell while removing the upper intake. Is this common? On to the next broken part. Door lock actuator!
