Have you been pulled over for loud music? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have you been pulled over for loud music?

I appriciate your story Dennis.
I have posted MANY time about hearing protection and how quicky you can loose your hearing. Much of the time these punk ass kids flame me for it. I am looking out for their own good, and they flame me. Nice isn't it ?

I have worked in concert level live sound for 12 years now and I get my hearing screened annually.
Even as protective as I have been my last screen was a bit upsetting.

It all boils down to two things, manners, which many seem to not have, and respect for your own well being, which many seem to not have.
If you believe sub frequencys are not as harmful as highs, you are wrong.
130 db is 130 db reguardless of frequency.
If you think you get used to it, you are wrong, you are lossing your hearing.

You poeple who love to bump, take this challance. Get a hearing screening.
Set up an apointment with a professional audiologist and tell them straight up what decibles you listen to and for what length of time. Keep up with the appontments,
annually. Insurance should cover 100% of preventative procedures.
If you are fine with hearing a hiss or a wistle 24-7 in your ears so be it.
If you love music so much that, you need it that loud now so that you won't hear sh** ten years from now, so be it.

I am sure many of you will blow me off and ignore me, and if you are fine with that.
I am gonna stand by my conviction and share with people what I have learned and what I know. It is not my concern if you take heart to what I say.
Me? Music is my life, I would sooner loose my a** than loose music in my life.

The choice is yours my friends.

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OK I recieved my first official warning (not a ticket, just a paper warning) for loud music. My freind just bought a 92 Camaro (with a brand new engine) and with the insurance money had lleft over, went and bought 2 rockford fosgate 12s and a kicker amp. Me him and my bro in law where all chillin at his house and we was all taken pictures so we decided to go outside and take pictures with all our cars. Somehow we all started tryin to outbump each other, which is not a good idea at 12 30 in the suburbs (we probaly would have realized that if we wasnt all drunk). The cops showed up soon, and wrote all 3 of us warnings. He was only like 20-23 and said that it was cool and even began talking about putting bump in his civilian car, but told us neighbors where complaining so he had to pretend to do something basically. Just keep it down

MONMIX i actually do understand where your coming from. I only have 2 10s, and im sure i dont put out that much bass to hurt my ears. I try to tell my freinds stuff like that (most of them lauph at my setup, and have EXTREME bass, like 6 12s in a old Caprice, or 4 15s and a 18 in a Suburban, one kid at my school even had 6 18s in a jeep) because I know Im hurting my ears, and dont wanna be deaf at 28. I think its real good that someone professional trys to help and warn people, and anyone who flames you for it is an idiot.

And 5.0, your right about the treble part. I saved and didnt get my subs till i could afford my highs at the same time. I plan on ordering Kick Panels off Explorer Express and putting Quantum Audio Speakers in their, with either a quantum audio amp or one of the amps I have laying around my room (probably the Alpine 240 Watt, running tweeters in each door too). But i cant stand when people Drive by Bumping hard, with no treble. If your going to bump like that, atleast have highs.

I appriciate your coments STS.
The size of the speaker it totally irrelevant however.
It is volume, sound pressuer level ( SPL ) that causes the damage.
115 db can cause perminate damage in as little as twenty mineuts.
The higher the db the shorter the safe time.
even 100 db which is relativily low for performance car audio can / will be damaging in duration.
I know it is crazy and believe me, I love it loud as much as the next guy, but some times you just have to know when to say when.

yea but i ment compared to people I know (and also have tried to help) my system is basicaly nothing, you know what Im saying?
I know Im probably gonna be deaf in like 30 years due to my music(Im ok, by that time theyll have somethin to make it OK LOL). I can already tell because Ive been riding with freinds with bang since like the 7th grade, and my school gives hearing tests every year. Every year Im a little lower than before. I graduated C/O 04, but I plan on trying to continue these tests. So I for one canvouch for your little "test".
Does anyone know if its true that Vacuum cleaners put out 120 SPL? I know this is irelevant but itll setll a "gentalmens agreement" between me and a freind if anyone can answer.

A shop vac can easily hit 120 at close range.
If you wish I can put my meter infront of my up right and my shop vac and give you a reading.

Nah man u dont have 2 go 2 any trouble. I was just wondering because a old man had told me that, and i didnt know if he was sayin it jus to mess with me, or actually telling me a fact he knows, you know what I mean?

maresca said:
pissing contest eh? where do i sign up? lol. Nah but for real my system is the loudest. An audiobahn awt12x pushing 2000 watts rms powered by a soundstorm stretch daddy 2 ch 2000 watt amp. Hmm but i think my q logic 1.25 cu ft box may be a lil too small. What do ya think?

sorry system isn't the loudest, nor is mine.... If you want to step in the ring with the big boys go with a bigger, ported box, and an amp that will actually put out 2kw.

I got a warning ticket for unreasonable noise about 9 years ago, I had two 15" Orion DVC XTR subs pushed by a 300 watt rms amp, Pioneer receiver. I was at Hardees and the cop was at Long John Silvers :mad: . In my home town on a friday night by an under 21 dance club, the restaurants were minimum 2000 feet away, and he could pick me out in my old blazer. It was a custom built ($500) bandpass box and it was LOUD!! :eek:

MattStarr said:
Ive been pulled over on Atlantic Avenue in VA BEACH 3 times for loud music in my old car. 12 speakers, 3 amps, and 2 Rockford 12's
you fool, sounds like you've been here enough to know there's a cop every 10 ft now on atlantic ave. recently it's been freaking cruising at night, cops walk down the street 2 at a time and look into your vehicles as they walk past you, and it f'in sucks, even when you know you are doing nothing illegal, lol.

o i plan on it, im gonna make a box specifically for competitions and probably buy another amp. ill have pics of my install by friday.

you'll need to redo everything you've even thought of doing to really have the loudest stereo here though. thats still not going to cut it even remotely. look around a little bit.

i was kidding, im not goin for nosebleed bass, but just enough to be the loudest in my school and town, and maybe some braggin rights



this is all im running right now...stock 6x8s with a MTX thunder 2160 powering them and for now a rockford fosgate 1000a2 amp running the subs....i hit 155.2 DB but now with my new amp(another rockford fosgate 1000a2) sitting on my dresser itll be good enough for me, im not going for world records, plus my explorer will be gone this friday, trading it in and financing a 2003 dodge intrepid....so now i need to make plans for a new box...this will be fun...my last loud music fine though was when i had my 3 12 inch infinity perfects in my old grand am...damn that was long ago....

That single port is for all 4 subs? Or am I not seeing the other ports....? If you got a 155 on the new pressure sensor, good job, but I cant believe it with that port and 1kw?

i didnt get pulled over but i did get warned to lower my stereo... this was on my Ford Escort with 2 Hollywood 12's 600 watts max (each). subs were being run by a MA Audio amp (dont remember the model #) but it was 800 watts peak

yeah, that port looks awful small.

remember the size of the port on my box for the 4 he2 15s that we used to have in my friend mike's truck?

expo5.0 said:
yeah, that port looks awful small.

remember the size of the port on my box for the 4 he2 15s that we used to have in my friend mike's truck?
yeah everyone tells me its a little small, but the place tuned it to 38hz so im not sure?? lol
and the SPL meter was older, maybe 4+ years old so it may be off....i know its like a 11-12 square foot box....im building a new one anyways though lol so its cool.
where i compete at is muntz audio and suess electronics....
anyways the new vehicle theyr going in has changed to a 97 mazda protege....lets see if i can do it lol
*edit*i just measured the port its 8.5 wide x 4 tall x 12 deep....if thats enough not sure i didnt tune it lol im not THAT smart....

YIKES only 34sq in of port for 4 12"s If/When you build a new box for em, make the port bigger, you WILL see an increase in output....

Are you really wanting to keep that wall/type box... if not I could shoot you a rather popular box design, that hits good #'s ? Any peeps that cruise the SPL scene or browse termpro, will know it as the crx box.... It will be most/all of your cargo area, but wont come above the rear windows....

i got my epic160 to read 157 today! pretty excited about that number, that equates to plenty loud on any mic eh?

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should be, I gotta get me one of them....
