Headlight issue 1996 Ford explore Eddie Bauer edition | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Headlight issue 1996 Ford explore Eddie Bauer edition


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June 26, 2023
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1996 Ford Explorer Eddie
Help. My daughter just picked up a 1996 Ford explorer Eddie Bauer edition. She was driving home last night and her headlights went out. She told me she didn’t have any low beams to begin with just high beams. And she was driving with those. All of her other lights work. I checked all the fuses and they are OK. I also changed out the switch. They still didn’t come on. Any ideas out there?

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Help. My daughter just picked up a 1996 Ford explorer Eddie Bauer edition. She was driving home last night and her headlights went out. She told me she didn’t have any low beams to begin with just high beams. And she was driving with those. All of her other lights work. I checked all the fuses and they are OK. I also changed out the switch. They still didn’t come on. Any ideas out there?
Did you check or change out the low beam bulbs?

I had the same issue with my Ranger one time. It was the headlight relay.

Welcome to the forum!

I don't see a relay on the wiring diagram besides the one for the fog lamps. In addition to checking the bulbs, next trace where power stops using a multimeter or test light and the attached wiring diagram. You at least know the ground is good because low beam uses same ground as high.

Along with other things mentioned, if you have the original multi-function switch, it may have oxidized contacts and dried up grease in it. If that's what the problem is, the MFS can be cleaned out and re-greased (dielectric grease) or 3rd party aftermarket replacements are inexpensive.


  • headlights-headlamps-fog-lamps-circuit-w-o-drl-1-of-1.pdf
    43.7 KB · Views: 44

you changed out the headlight switch on the dash
You should change out the multifunction switch which is the "turn signal stalk" they are problematic and can cause what you describe

power for the headlights passes through here

...I don't see a relay on the wiring diagram besides the one for the fog lamps...
Now that I think on it, my problem was that my headlights would randomly turn off and on unless I held the turn signal stalk in the "flash to pass" position. (This was way back in the 1900's.) I added a relay to the circuit to prevent all that voltage going through the switches.
