headlights flickering | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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headlights flickering


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October 23, 2014
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99 explorer/03 svt f150
So my problem is my headlights are coming in when I start my truck up and they are flickering. Just the headlight no parking light are on. It goes away when I actually turn my head lights on by the switch when all my lights are on. I just replaced the alt about 4 weeks ago all volts check out normal. I have a 99 5.0 explorer Eddie bower. Any info would help. I do have auto lamp on the mirror but it's off. Like I said just my head lights come on no other lights.

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Do you have daytime running lights? The module may be going bad.

Ya after I searched more when I got home from work I found our the if you have daytime running light the module can go bad. I did not think I had them since they never have come on since I've owned the truck. I unplugged them no more prob.

Unplug the day time running light module from under the bumper.

My '98 Eddie Bauer is doing the same thing, but it seems like it's a problem with the slider adjustment on the rear view mirror.
