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Help me pick wheels


Elite Explorer
October 18, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Clifton, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Sport 4x4 SOHC
Ok guys, looks like I a ordering my new wheels this friday. Here are my choices so far. I just want to know what you guys think of them? Let me know

These are cool, but are only 17x9. For low profile tires, I think 18's would look nicer

I like these alot, they are 18x8 and I think would look very cool.

There are cool too, and are 18x8
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These ones are more expensive, but are 18x9!
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I have pretty much ruled these out, because they look like cheap cobra r's, but they are 18x9 so thats why I like them
Keep in mind here, my truck is strictly street. I know that explorer express says that sizes over 18 inhibit performance, but with low profile tires. I am thinking like 45's the bigger the wheel, the nicer it is going to look. please give me your thoughts.

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although I am a Cobra rim guy I think that you should go w/ wheel 2 or 3! I would love to see pictures when you get them on your vehicle. I think it will look great! Hope this helps....

Thanks alot, it does help a bit, but those are the two I a leaning towards. I like the 3rd, but it has that blue center piece and I have a red truck.Dont know how that would look. But I do think the second would look nice though too. AHHH decisions decisions. Also, while I am thinking of it, what do you guys think of the bf goodrich scorcher T/a's? those are the ones with the colored stripe on them? they Have are ones with a red stripe that would look so cool I think.
this is a color changing pic, so let me see if it will work here. Its the only pic I know of them. I would want the red ones.

I think-if I get some-I`ll take the 2 with the BFGoodrich ScorcherT/a`s!

Would look cool!!!

Do you thought about painting your "brakes" red to?!?!
Think about it.

If you get them on your truck put some photos on this site!


yeah that was my plan. I know a place I can get red brake caliper laquer from. That would definetly look good. I think I am almost decided on the second wheel that I showed. The one below the cobra r's. I like them alot. I wish there were more trucks with rims to compare too. Now my next question, which I will post a new thread to is about the tires and the sizes.
Oh well thanks guys, keep the comments comming.

ok I just talked to tire rack and my only fear of this not working came true. THey said that the load capacitly for basicly all the rims I listed wasnt enough for my truck. WHich I think is BS considering alot of people on here have cobra rs. which he didnt have info on, but said that they wouldnt be enough. He said the ones taht I wanted had a load capacity of 150lbs each, so thats 6000 lbs total. Does anyone know what the total weight of a stock 99 explorer sport is? I am goign to look and see if its anywhere on my truck. Please help this guy drove me up the wall.
If indeed this doesnt work out. I will probably just go with the cobra rs.
Somebody help :)

If the only reason you don't want the cobra R's is because they are 17's, why don't you get 18's. If you look through a mustang magazine, they now sell 18x9 Cobra R replicas. Just a thought. By the way, my opinion on the scorchers is that they look cheesy. Just my $.02


Jornum...have you talked to the wheel experts if the 18X9 really fit? I am still confused by that. I talked to a wheel maker about that size, but all I can get from him is a "maybe" or "not sure". I would like to go for that size, but might have to consider the 18X8 to be on the safe side. As for a wheel, I would look into what JBHexplorer said the 18inch wheel painted or chrome. Those colored tires looks more like slicks to me, I personally would not buy them. Had some Dunlap G.T Quailifers and they suck on a explorer, and when it rains...bad traction and they hydroplane on puddles.

Look at the sticker on the drivers door and check out the GVW. That's the maximum your truck is supposed to weigh when fully loaded. I bet it's between 4500 - 5000 lbs. If you plan on pushing the truck hard in the turns you may want a higher load rating. 1500lbs static is ok, but how about if you are pushing it around a turn taking the weight off one side and transferring it to the other.

Ok well I have made my decision. I am going to go with the cobra r's and the scorpion zeros. The other wheels just arent going to work out. There is none that I like that would be safe to drive my explorer with. It was a nice Idea, and there are some 18's for explorers, but most of them are really flashy chrome, and I am looking more for a race/performance look. So I am ordering them tomorrow. and hopefully will have them by monday or tuesday. I will be sure to post pics asap.
Thanks for all your help guys

Good decision. Please post some pics after you install them.
