How do i hook my alarm up to the door locks? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do i hook my alarm up to the door locks?


March 16, 2006
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93 XLT
Hi out thier!
I have a 93 ford explorer and have installed a alarm that is capable of locking and unlocking the doors only thing is i do not know what wires on the drivers door switches to cut and use.Some help would be greatly appreciated!

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When I installed my Prestige (audiovox) system I spliced it into the door lock circuits located in the floor wire channel under the E-brake... To find them I used a multimeter (a test light would also work) and tapped into each suspected wire and pressed the lock/unlock button until it indicated power was present during the respective cycle. What kind of alarm do you have and how many amps can it handle for the door lock circuits? My system could not handle the amp draw so I had to install 2 extra 12v relays..

You need to use 2 relays on 2 wires because explorers without factory keyless have 5 wire door locks.

witch one?

yes i have built a double relay set-up,the question is,is what wires on the switch do i tap into?thanks for the response!
hope you can help more.

Lock: Pink/yellow
Unlock: Pink/Light green
Both are in the bundle in the drivers side kick panel, you will have to pull a rubber liner back to get to them.

not to step on any toes, but could you elaborate a bit on the relays? maybe point me to a post or diagram..i'm looking to do this sometime soon as well..

You can find diagram here:

Not sure if you have to register there to view or not, some things you do others you do not. But well worth the few mins to register, you will also get access to all the color breakouts for audio and security. The forums there are also a very good source of info. I have been using 12volt for a long time, the guys there really know their stuff.

Merry X-mas

:exp: thanks for the link and directions!I will let you know how i make out
monday with this!
