Hummer wheels first gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hummer wheels first gen


New Member
October 19, 2012
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City, State
austin, tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford explorer Sport
So im doing a SAS swap on my 92 first gen with dana 60 front and rear.
i want to use h1 beadlocks!
Does it even work?
IF not why not?
thank you Brian

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Pros: double beadlocks - locks both sides of tire to rim, cheap compared to alternatives, beefy, easy to mount/dismount tires
Cons: HEAVY, 16.5 rim size severely limits tire choices, large amount of backspacing in stock form and may interfere with stock steering on knuckle and makes the hubs stick out making them vulnerable to damage, 8 bolt versions the lip bends easily - needs rockrings

Here is some info on the sets I have built:

[MENTION=2069]Randall[/MENTION] uses them on his first Gen with 1 ton axles

Agreed with the above. Pretty much needs to be re-centered to save your hubs. Recommend the 12 bolts. Another con - prone to leaks.


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I think I'm going to just do a cragar with a -22 offset and that shouldn't interfere that was my main concern.

Use H2 wheels instead
