I'm no longer a wannabe! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'm no longer a wannabe!

I am now part of the elite's woohooo. :bounce:
Ive been putting it off and all the threads recently about becoming elite finally did me in.:)

Now all i need is a digi-cam so i can get some pics of my X.

I encourage anyone who is thinking about it to just do it.

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Welcome to the elite's. :cool:

good choice!

Iam right behind ya...i am waiting on (*$#%*#&% paypal to transfer my money from my checking account into my paypal account then I will be as elite as i can be.

I just became elite a couple days ago. Feels good! I have one question why does Elite Explorer show up with quotaion marks and the Phrase this ain't Kansas TOTO go under it?

Originally posted by Joey p.
I just became elite a couple days ago. Feels good! I have one question why does Elite Explorer show up with quotaion marks and the Phrase this ain't Kansas TOTO go under it?

HAHA...i thought it was something you had made up haha...especially weird since you are from Colorado

LOL! I didn't make that up. Still wondering why it's there though.

Joey P. PM Rick to get it changed, but it's actually kinda cool. You might want to leave it there. :cool:

Yeah I think I am going to leave it there. It dosen't bother me none.

i was born elite its just recently that i have granted recognition:p :D :bounce: :hammer: :monkey: there are getting more aussies here now rick you will have to get an aussie flag icon

I am all paid up...just gotta wait for Rick to do his stuff.
