interest in a true performance solid axle suspension system. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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interest in a true performance solid axle suspension system.


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am posting this for a friend he builds performance suspension systems for Jeeps and he is looking to branch out. He is in the planning stage for a true performance suspension for solid axle converted explorers.

It will be a long arm style system for better articulation and for better performance off road. I believe it will be available for both dana 44 and dana 30 front axles. This High strength system should be available for both 1st and 2nd gen explorers being the chassis are similar.

Would anyone be interested in such a system? Price is unknown at this time, probably comparable with their jeep systems.

It is the first of its kind for the explorer.


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Of course there will be interest, provided the price is "reasonable".

But IMO, the problem with having a "solid axle swap" kit using "long arms" for a dana 44 is that there are so many dana 44 configurations out there. To use a narrow Early-Bronco D44 is completely different from a full-width axle. The differential will not always be at the same place so there has to be different length tabs for different 44. The dana 30 axle will probably be a lot easier as armed versions of these things are all over most junk yards and dimensions are pretty similar.

:wavey: interested depending on which axle setup he decides to go with and if he might be including an axle.......MORE INFO PLEASE :bounce:

Problem I would see is that it's not going to be bolt on most likely, so welding will be required. Now, someone could buy one, and take it somewhere to be installed for $$$$. But most of us do the work ourselves...we can weld. Those of us who can weld can probably build it cheaper than the kit would cost (depending on what's included). I think it's a great idea, but I don't think that it will be cost effective for alot of us who are doing this kind of mod.

Are the jeep long arm kits bolt on???

I'd be super interested in seeing it though :)

Yes, His Jeep suspensions are 100% bolt on. He does all the designing himself. Problem with building it yourself is that a suspension system designed for a certain vehicle, takes in consideration Alignment, handling, most importantly safety. Not down falling anyone but some people just graft on a late 70s F-150 front suspension and call it good. While those systems are OK for a stock vehicle but any type of lift can screw up the geometry of the factory. The factory arms are not conductive to articulation even by extending them


Yes, His Jeep suspensions are 100% bolt on. He does all the designing himself. Problem with building it yourself is that a suspension system designed for a certain vehicle, takes in consideration Alignment, handling, most importantly safety. Not down falling anyone but some people just graft on a late 70s F-150 front suspension and call it good. While those systems are OK for a stock vehicle but any type of lift can screw up the geometry of the factory. The factory arms are not conductive to articulation even by extending them
I dont think such a kit for the Explorer would be 100% bolt on either. The second generation Explorer in itself requires the front cross member to be sliced off. And this is no easy task without the use of a plasma cutter.
