IS $850 A GOOD PRICE FOR D44 FRONT AND D60 REAR? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer
August 20, 2001
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City, State
Yuma, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 xlt, 93 SAS xlt
I can get a dana 44 front with the steering and a dana 60 rear for $850, they are totally rebuilt and have 4.10 gears right now, is this worth it ?? need some input guys, or I can get a complete front end out of a 77 bronco for $500, any advise would be appreciated, thanks.:bounce:

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If they were not rebuilt, I would say no, but since they are, I'd say yes, but only if the rebuild includes new brake hardware, hubs etc.

If the D44 came out of the same truck as the 60 then it will be a HD D44 which means it is reverse cut (aka High pinion), it was setup for leaf springs, has dual piston calipers (which means you cannot run a 15" rim), and will be 8-lug. The D60 will be a 30-spline full floater with 2.5" or 3" drums and 8-lug also.

Obviously both will be full-width.

So if you are looking to run 35"-37" tires, the D44 will work alright. 37s will be maxed out without CTMs and alloy shafts.

The D60 can handle 44" tires with ease.

Thanks cory, there is a place down here where this guy builds custom lifts and he was telling me that for around $2200 bucks I could get the 44 and 60 installed with enough clearance to run 39" tires the only thing is that the front would have to be cut down alittle to match the rear, but would still be wider than stock, which is what i want, however I would like to try this mod myself instead of spending all the money, thanks for the info.:chug:


MadMike; Hey you can cut the front really easy. I did mine for about 65 dallors. And you can run 15 inch wheels on the front if you change the outers over to chevy. Really this is very easy. If you want I can give you the low down. I can send you pics.

Cool, thanks man, that would be a big help, did you do the work yourself? I have acess to a welding shop and any tools I need, plus i'm pretty mechanically inclined, I prefer to do the work myself when it comes to my truck, the picts and info will be greatly appreciated, thanks , mike:D

mike gonna help me do mine?:D :D :D :D

:D sure but you have to come down here:D

why you doing dana 60 in rear? from what i hear they are to heavy .... i would just keep the 8.8 and put the 44 up front.

ya I think that is what i'm gonna do , my 8.8 is in good shape and I think it is going to stay. the front is still going to a cut down 44 though. later, mike:D

A rear D60 isn't that heavy.

Also, you will have to have two different sets of wheels if you use the D44 up front and the 8.8" in the rear as the HD D44 is 8 lug and the 8.8" is 5 lug.

The rear D60 is full floating. Its WAY stronger than the 8.8" is and again, doesn't weigh a whole lot more. It's only disadvantage is that it will hang down more.

But if you ever plan on anything bigger than 35s or 36s, theD60 is the way to go. You can EASILY handle 44" tires on it.

I'd still put the D60 under it. Infact, I'd keep them full width too.

cool... man once i see all this stuff ill never know what to do with mine :D
