Is my gas mileage bad? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is my gas mileage bad?


Well-Known Member
October 3, 2000
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2014 Explorer Sport
Last time I checked my mileage it was 13.9 MPG.

I was getting around 12 before I installed my superchip and now I'm getting 14. During the summer time I would get 16-17, and it was great. I replaced my spark plugs in July. I have the KKM and a superchip.

What else can I do to improve my mileage?

btw, it is winter right now and cold. Would this affect it at all?


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After putting in my K&N drop in filter and reseting the computer, I actually got better mileage and better power. My computer in the center console usually shows like 17, 18 instant mpg at 70mph but now, it shows like 22, 23 instant mpg at the same speed on the same stretch of the highway. So I would suggest reset your computer. I maybe wrong so correct me if I'm wrong.

Foot Pressure has a lot to do with milage

Quick, I get 12mpg so I wouldn't worry to much. You re about the norm.

Originally posted by Quick
Last time I checked my mileage it was 13.9 MPG.

I was getting around 12 before I installed my superchip and now I'm getting 14. During the summer time I would get 16-17, and it was great. I replaced my spark plugs in July. I have the KKM and a superchip.

What else can I do to improve my mileage?

btw, it is winter right now and cold. Would this affect it at all?


I get about 16-17 in town with a/c on ( heck , its Florida after all ) and up to 22 on the road at 80 mph also with a/c.

I have a KKM system, full Mobil 1, and a custom cat back system.

I want more MPG too....

The winter will effect you mileage a lot as it does for me too. Using synthetic lubes in the transmission, engine, and differentials/transfercase will help the truck not experiance as much of a drop in the winter. In the summer I can usually go to near 400 miles per tank, but in the winter I usually get 300-325. Also the use of 4WD takes more gas.

I generally get about 13.2mpg, lifted with no mods besides a drop in KN, I test drove a '99 xlt for a few weeks(completely stock) and had the same results, so in my test a bigger foot is the culprit over biger tires!

I am at 14-15 with my v8. It all depends on how you drive it.

Also, they change the gasoline formulas in the winter resulting in decreased mileage.

Quick, don't feel so bad, I'm getting 10 mpg city, and not much more on the highway. It's been discused on here before, that the cold temps we are having, will cause a small drop in mpg depending on the temp of your thermostat. I read in the Haynes manual that the ECU ignores the O2 sensors until they get up to operating temps. This causes the ECU to automatically run in a "rich" condition, thus burning more fuel warming up. Hopefully the summer temps will bring me an improvement.
