Key in ignition chime on with key out, door open. WTH? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Key in ignition chime on with key out, door open. WTH?


Well-Known Member
December 18, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Las Vegas, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 4WD 2DR Explorer
So my door chime hasn't worked in a few years at the least and now that I moved to a colder environment, all of a sudden it started working. BUT, the damn thing chimes with the driver door open and when the key isn't in the ignition like it should! Any ideas? Perhaps a relay has gone bad?


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possibly this could be similiar to my speedometer issue where it was a bad connection. it would stop working when hot, but when left to cool it would return to normal... however, because you said it works when it ahouldnt, i too would suspect a relay. but i would also seek advice from others here, as they actually have a brain, unlike me 😅

edit: i found this reply to a similiar thread by budwich

Basically, the key warning switch sends a grd to your CTM/GEM module... either the switch is bad (shorted) or the wire coming from your column is shorting on some metal somewhere. Perhaps some key filings have got stuck in the switch contact... maybe try blowing some air into the ignition switch

Hmm, interesting. Thanks and will look into it.

My door chime is always going off with or without the key being in the ignition. My problem is that my ignition switch is loose and if I jiggle it just right the chime goes off.
