KKM vs. K&N Intake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KKM vs. K&N Intake


February 17, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Is the KKM Intake System just as good as the K&N?? I know the KKM is less expensive, but I don't know much about it really and I can't decide which one to get for my '96 4.0L X.


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Mostly its just personal preference.... I've had a K&N cone for around 3 years and have no complaints.

Only difference I can see is the K&N is a LOT bigger than the KKM.

Heres my K&N. You should be able to find a pic of a KKM if you search the board.


Ok a little help needed here, ive got a k&n filter in my 98 X, the sticker on it says that it is non-removable, i just noticed this yesterday when i went to replace it...what can i do if i cant replace it?

It doesn't say non-removable. Its there for shops so they don't throw it out. Its washable. You can get a kit that has cleaner and oil and most auto parts stores.

I would go with the KKM, its the same exact thing. Your just paying less, the only thing is that the KKM isnt DOT approved. But that really doesnt matter at all, Ive passes inspection many times with it. They wouldnt know the difference from it and the K&N.

Yes KKM is smaller but in this case size does not matter. ;) It performs as well as the K&N (so I've heard). :cool:

