lift = what tire size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lift = what tire size


Well-Known Member
September 20, 2011
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2003 sports trac
after searching many forums i have seen many comments but still not sure on what i need to know. i just recieved the 3in boy lift performance accessories i think is what it is called. my sport trac is a 03 stick shift. ( yes i did get the shifter extension ) but any way i got the 3 in body lift and im going to do a torsion twist of 1.75! i am really wanting to run 33's now i have seen that there is a 285 75 r 16 ( i think) and a 305 70 or 75 16. i do realize that the 305 is wider. i think by an inch or so. my question is should i be able to run the 285 70 or 75 16 tire with out rubbing? or VERY MINOR rubbing? any advise will be appreciated. so to sum it all up what size ( mud ) tire shoul i bee looking at buying with the 3 in body lift and 1.75 torsion twist

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With 16's- 285/75/16, 305's are too wide gor the factory wheels. You will need to do slight trimming on the plastics (cladding and inner wheelwell). For that setup I'd get 1.25" wheel spacers to give it a good stance and better stability.

can i run them without the spacers for a while untill i get money saved up?

also i do have aftermarket rims on it already which are 16s but anyway can i run the 285 75 16 and do a lil bit of trimmin and NOT run the spacers. i dont really want to run spacers. so if i do run the 285 75 r16 and do a lil bit of trimming will it look okay and still look good?

If the aftermarket wheels have atleast the same backspacing or mor then the factory's then you shouldn't have any issue's running the 285's. It'll still look ok without the spacers, the spacers just give it a better stance and stability.

okay thank you and i was fixing to pm you over something else also but sense you commented lol i have a question about something not relivent. my front end is not going out but i would like to " freshin" it up. like i know i need ball bearing i think or something my tires ( street tires) are roaring like mud tires lol. but any way i am wanting to freshin up my front end. i know ball joints is something i can replace but what else can i replace to freshin it up and also helpthe ride a lil bit. i know shocks and stuff but what about stuff like ball joints and stuff like that

I have the stock height Rancho 5000's right now, they are the same length as the other ones listed, I did alot of research on different shocks before I bought mine. Is your truck 2 or 4wd? I replaced my upper control arms/ balljoints, lower balljoints, outer tie rod ends (inners were still good), axle shaft seals, hub bearing assemblies, shocks and an alignment when I installed my new wheels and tires.

my truck is 2 wheel drive. and i got the 3 in body lift and im going to go with the 285 75 16 ( 33's) and i wanted to freshin the front end up and get new shocks all the way around when i went and had the lift put on ( dads bestfriend owns a body shop) so i was going to do it all when i went to put the lift on so its all out of the way
