Light bar in grille opening between fog lights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Light bar in grille opening between fog lights?


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Spring, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited RWD
Anyone mounted a light bar in the middle grille opening, behind the bumper?
Any issues with airflow with that being effectively blocked off?
If so, what size did you go with & how did you mount/wire it up?

Thinking a 3 way switch to have it come on with the high beams, manually, or off altogether.

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There is already a thread on this.


There is already a thread on this.

Thanks, neither really gives much info, and the 2nd is mounted on a push bar, not behind the bumper.
May just have to measure & pioneer it ahead

Thanks, neither really gives much info, and the 2nd is mounted on a push bar, not behind the bumper.
May just have to measure & pioneer it ahead
Missed that it was on the push bar. Sorry..


No worries, have a friend with a few in multiple sizes, might give it a go.

Lots of images with lights behind the grille...

As far as blocking air to the radiator. LED bars are pretty thin so it shouldn't make a big difference.

It might be better to get 2 small bars, i.e. 4-6", and space them so more air gets through for the TX summers.
