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Looking into 2018 explorer sport


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December 31, 2006
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2018 Explorer XLT
Looking at a used 2018 explorer sport. Has about 80k miles. What should I be concerned about? What maintenance should I ask about? Thanks

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Looking at a used 2018 explorer sport. Has about 80k miles. What should I be concerned about? What maintenance should I ask about? Thanks
Thanks everyone.

Looking at a used 2018 explorer sport. Has about 80k miles. What should I be concerned about? What maintenance should I ask about? Thanks
One of the main concerns would be the internal water pump which would be similar to your 2018 XLT. If purchasing from a dealer, see if they will provide the OASIS report which shows any work done under warranty. Ask to see any maintenance records that they may have on file.


One of the main concerns would be the internal water pump which would be similar to your 2018 XLT. If purchasing from a dealer, see if they will provide the OASIS report which shows any work done under warranty. Ask to see any maintenance records that they may have on file.

Not a dealer, private party, 2nd owner. My main concern is actually about what I'm reading online about all the turbo issues. Is this an overblown issue, or a serious thing I should be worried about?

Not a dealer, private party, 2nd owner. My main concern is actually about what I'm reading online about all the turbo issues. Is this an overblown issue, or a serious thing I should be worried about?
At 80k miles I'd be more worried about the PTU and water pump than a Turbo failure. I've have both fail at less than 53k miles, and a whole lot of other things - but no Turbo problems yet.

If there are no records available from the Seller you might consider paying for a CarFax yourself to see what history the car has, like: location (rust), accidents, maintenance, etc. Or, if you know a mechanic, have them give it a look, fluids, brakes, suspension - the usual culprits.

Good luck!

Yeah what he said. My ESP covered a bum water pump, motor mounts, and front control arms at 93K. Don't leave home without it.

At 80k miles I'd be more worried about the PTU and water pump than a Turbo failure. I've have both fail at less than 53k miles, and a whole lot of other things - but no Turbo problems yet.

If there are no records available from the Seller you might consider paying for a CarFax yourself to see what history the car has, like: location (rust), accidents, maintenance, etc. Or, if you know a mechanic, have them give it a look, fluids, brakes, suspension - the usual culprits.

Good luck!
Well there are brand new shocks/springs/struts. Ptu fluids were changed, coolant flush just done, no accidents, no rust, been in a snow free zone for the most part. The truck drove beautifully. A little tiny smoke out of exhaust when I floored it, but think that could be a tiny bit of carbon buildup, of maybe even normal after sitting. It only happened once, the 1st time I got on it. Maybe I will investigate whether or not water pump was done
