Mounting a Touch Panel in A PIU | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mounting a Touch Panel in A PIU


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March 4, 2023
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Hi there considering buying a 2020 Inceptor Ford Explorer. I want to replace the simple radio box with a touch screen ... anyone had any experience or recommendations .

Thank-you Susan

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welcome! i do believe there are kits for that, but no experience or any expertise in that regard.

Hi there considering buying a 2020 Inceptor Ford Explorer. I want to replace the simple radio box with a touch screen ... anyone had any experience or recommendations .

Thank-you Susan
Welcome to the Forum Susan. :wave:
I know conversions have been done on the 5th generation Explorer but I don't know about the 6th gen.
BTW, it's an Interceptor.;)


None that I know of so far

I had to get a portable CarPlay unit for my piu

I don't think there is any kit available yet, and I had to drop by a car audio shop for them to fabricate one instead. I was told that an air duct would be in the way if you decide to take out the stock radio and replace it with a double-din sized aftermarket one, but a Sony unit would fit just fine with its chassis occupying the upper half only. I took a shot with a Sony XAV-AX6000 and it came out beautiful. Had to also relocate the Snow Mode button though.

Glad to hear something worked.
Got pics?


Dude l love it.
Thank you

Hi there considering buying a 2020 Inceptor Ford Explorer. I want to replace the simple radio box with a touch screen ... anyone had any experience or recommendations .

Thank-you Susan
Are you still following your thread?


Hello, what console is this?

This looks amazing!!! I might have to see if I can get this to work in a 5th gen, I dread electrical work tho
Hahahaha thanks! I'm not that comfortable with the electrical stuff either so I let professionals do the install. They deal with these installs daily so they know what they are doing.

Hi there considering buying a 2020 Inceptor Ford Explorer. I want to replace the simple radio box with a touch screen ... anyone had any experience or recommendations .

Thank-you Susan
Wanted to do it. Public safety upfitter shop and dealer service manager said it can't be done.
