My explorer is perfect, but the Jeep... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My explorer is perfect, but the Jeep...


Well-Known Member
June 20, 2009
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 XLS, 06 Mounty
I know it's not an explorer but I'm getting desperate trying to find help for my 02 Grand Cherokee. The a/c blows hot air. Not like outside temperature air, but literally hot air. It's not even remotely cold. I can hear the compressor kick in when i turn the a/c on but It still blows hot air. Now when I turn the temp control to the red it gets hotter, but not much. Any ideas? Thanks again

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Sounds like a blend door to me, I can't imagine that the systems are much different. My Ex is/was doing that, I whacked the motor a few times and now it changes most of the way, making noises, so it sounds like I need to replace the blend door. The A/C will still run if selected, as the blend door will just override the cold air allowed into the cabin...

That's what I thought but I can't find the motor. I looked above the pedals where I've seen them befoer but I don't see one.

is the ac compressor cycling faster then usual? A blend door problem can be eliminated if you have left the temperature cold when this started happening. The first route I would take is go get a r-134 refill kit with gauge, $25, and see what the pressure is doing. With that information, the problem should be easier to pinpoint.

No I don't believe so. It's been on hot for a while. I tried charging it with a can of sealer because i assumed it to simply have a leak.
