NC Uwharrie Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NC Uwharrie Run


Explorer Addict
December 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Winston Salem, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 4.0 4x4
IM gonna be at Uwharrie for a weekend of wheeling October 1-3 if anyone would like to join me.

There will be a club of about 30 nissan's there and i think it would be great if the Ford crowd showed us how much pride you guys have. So if you want to join me at uwharrie that weekend post up.

My plan as of now is to arrive friday evening aroun 3-4pm and set up a camp site. Ill be monitoring CB channel 14 so anyone coming in can find me. Dont worry if your CB is weak i can pick up all kinds of signal with my CB.

I would like to run a trail or tow friday night and then ride saturday all day and head out sunday afternoonish. The trails there are all passable by stock vehicles with some trying. I recommend that you have a skid plate for you t-case though if you are stock because the drainage berms are easy to high center on. Other than that a spare tire and a strap are all you should need. There are a lot of extremely fun difficult obstacles but all have bypasses that are passable by stock trucks

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im not a nissan driver until i go back to AZ....

east coast ford wheeler sinc ei wrecked my nissan pickup. And the group is highly accpetant of other members. Fordbeast might be able to come if he finds the cash.

If you are coming from SC, i can probably hook you up with a few guys who you could ride up with.

anyone else?


yeah there are a couple trails that you could find interesting for your truck, i have yet to see a truck without Solid axles and dual lockers conquer Kodack Rock, and Slab Pile is a rough trail to get through as well. From what my friends back home tell me uwharrie has gotten to be a rather difficult network of trails due to errosion and general wear on the trails.

i'll see about it. that's about the time i'll be visiting my brother, but i don't know exactly which weekend it will be.
uwharrie is a little far for me but if a few folks go and i'm free that weekend, i'd be up for heading up there again.

If u hook me up with some directions chad i should be up for it. Also i have to have a job before then so.......................u know


ill get everyone who is interested in going a map to the place and an area map with allt he trails on it if you will PM me. I garuntee that the saturday night party will be worth the ride if the wheeling isnt.

only a month away.. and with my 1354 almost ready to go under the truck ill be ready.

little less than a week away.... anyone gonna show?

can't make it this time. have fun though!

I'm planing on going one weekend but not this one, my X isn't back yeat. I just had to have a tranny put in it. Me and some freinds are wanting to go down there sometime in Nov and take dirt bikes, four-wheelers, trucks, and my X down there for a whole weekend. I'm not sure when but we want to do it before it turns into a cold winter, I'm not one for campin in the cold.


Sorry, no can do... both my wife and I have been laid off in the last month and are unemployed and we've got a lot of issues to handle right now - not the least is that I cannot even afford gasoline money right now. Have a great time, I really wish I could be there :)

well guys anytime you want to hit up a trail in NC just lemme know and ill work out the minor details and such... ill be at Uwahrrie next weekend and a few more times b4 they close for the season in december.

I did have a question for ya about the trails down there. If I took my stock '94 4x4 how many problems would I have going through the trails? How hard are the trails to ride in a SUV or small 4x4 pick-up (like a '80's Nissan P/U)? But if we decide to go then I'll hit you up with a time&date, so maybe we could plan a meet, it might be short notice but no shorter than 2 weeks, b/c thats the notic I have to give work :confused: .


you can run most the trails out there with proper spotting and some interesting bypass work. Stay off the hard stuff and you waont do like i did this weekdn and roll you explorer.

You rolled it?!?! How bad did ya hurt it? If I do go I plan on adding a little bit of a lift and some better/bigger tires. I want a 2-4 inch lift and like a set of 31's.


Chop the top on that biatch chad, straght axle it. How did the ghetto roll bar work? I want pics of this supposed roll over...................Hope ure alright. Hope u didnt stain ure pants too much :D


wasnt scary at all... roll bars held up great. It actually didnt do any roof damage just crushed the rear hatch and both rear glasses. I tied it off to a tree from my roll bar at that point to prevent further rolling. front tire was high enough i could walk under it without ducking my head. As soon as all the rest of the guys get back pics will start going up.

U always manage to screw up something! I guess this a excuse to put it on full widths and do a full exocage and chop the back half off.


what trail did you roll on up there? i don't remember anything there that was really difficult and it was wet that day.

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Jason URE has gotten really washed out due to the last 5 hurricanes.... Daniel was wehre i rolled on a really big hill climb with large rocks all over it with washout in front of them. That and the fact taht it was raining making it extremely slick didnt help. URE has become quite a challenge lately.
