Need advice for getting more power when I rebuild my 5.0. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need advice for getting more power when I rebuild my 5.0.


Well-Known Member
July 5, 2000
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City, State
Springfield, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mercury Mountaineer
I've got a 97' Mountaineer with a 5.0 V8 and AWD. It's got about 142,000 miles on it, and the motor is starting to burn quite a bit of oil. I've rebuild several small and big block chevy motors, but I've never messed with any ford motors....and never messed with fuel injected motors.

I figure since I'm going to the trouble to pull the motor and rebuild it....I'd be smart to swap that cam and do some head word to get some more power and TQ out of the motor. I think the stock HP rating for the motor is only around 225HP.....and I know it should be easy to get 275+ out of it. I'm not looking to race it, but I do a lot of towing so some added TQ and HP would be great.

Here are some questions I've got, so if you guys can help me out at all.....that would be great.

1. What is the easiest was to get more power out of my motor? I'm assuming that putting a different cam in it, adding a little compression with different pistons, boring it out .030"., and doing some port work on the heads & intake is a good start. Maybe some headers and a better exhaust (it's still all stock). Am I on the right path.....or should I be doing something different?

2. If I do a cam swap...what cam would you suggest? Keep in mind, bottom-end power and TQ is what I'm looking for. A slightly lopey idle would be a bonus :D

3. I'm assuming that after these mods (what ever they end up being), I'll need to send the computer somewhere and have it reprogrammed (right??). Who should I send it to?

4. My truck with the worn out 5.0 is only getting about 12MPG around town, and about 15MPH on the highway. Is it possible to do some mods, get more power, and still get better MPG whan what I'm getting now?

5. Another option....instead of a cam swap and head work....would I be better off just doing a stock rebuild and adding one of the supercharger kits from Explorer Xpress?

6. What is the best place to go to for getting the motor parts?

Any other info you guys could give me would be great. I want more power, but I also want a reliable truck that I can drive every day that won't drink tons of gas!

Thanks for the help! :p

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Posting mainly for subscription purposes :p

But... if I was going to do it, I would keep it mostly stock except headers, intake, reprogram, and a roots style supercharger. Those Eatons put out tons of torque down low. I might even lower compression with a rebuild to accommodate the added boost.

But those suggestions are what I would do for a CA smog legal X.

Nobody on here has rebuilt their 5.0 motor? Nobody has any info on mods?

I have an e-303 cam and couldn't be happier with it.

When you swaped in the 303 cam......did you have to have your computer reprogrammed? Did you have to change to a higher stall converter? How's the idle?


By the way.....I used to live in Chico a few years ago. Nice place!

Just remember cams can change the torque curve (which in stock 4.0 is "relatively" flat, less so in the V-8's) and before you start messing with differing stall speeds on the convertor, get some expert advice, it is a VERY complicated subject, and throw towing in the mix and you might not want a high stall model. Unless you significantly change the HP or torque output, staying in the stock range range may be wisest.

get some expert advice, it is a VERY complicated subject,

That's why I'm asking you guys :D

Thanks for the info

I am using an X-303 camshaft, and contrary to what has been said about it before, it jumps off the line.
now here come the naysayers, but don't listen to anyone who hasn't tried an x cam in an explorer, with a 347 ci engine.
On paper it seems to be wrong, but in practice, well you be the judge
Click here to watch exhuast-1
