Need help finding right tire size for 2" body lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help finding right tire size for 2" body lift

Since I want to keep my air suspension and want a hair more lift and bigger tires i'm doing a 2" body lift....

On that chart it says I should beable to fit 32's on there....

the closest thing in metric for my 98 rig is 265/75/16....does anyone here run thoes size with only a 2" lift?

Does anyone have pictures of this size tire on an explorer with ONLY a 2" body lift without the TT/Shackle stuff....??

Also does anyone have pictures of a 2" body lift and the stock 255/70/16's?

E-mail thoes pictures to I'd really appricate the help...I'm doing the body lift within the next month and want to get the tires ordered and on their way.....

Thanks folks

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I have the 265's with only a TT and they only rub at full lock. You can probably fit 285/75/16s with the BL, TT and shackles and a little trimming.

i think the charts misleading on your case. with 32's your gonna have to trim alot.

Yeah. Just a body lift = 31's in my book (to be safe).

My biggest concern is keeping the stock suspension smooth and soft because this is my business ride....(I'm a Realtor) I don't want to mess with the TT or Shackles n' stuff......I don't have the time nor cash to work on my suspension....according to the chart on for the specific tires i'm looking at they are 31.5 inches tall.....

tt doesnt cost anything, and shackles are only about 50 bucks. but either way your only getting 2 inches. id do both tt and shacles and bl and go with 32's

There is no point with going with only a 2" BL, you will not notice a ride difference with the TT and shackles, so if you only want 2" of heigth increase just do the TT and shackles and get some 265/75/16s.

Here is mine with the 265's and a small TT (dont know if i am gonna put the bolts in Section) and no shackles or anything.


  • lake view 1.jpg
    lake view 1.jpg
    27.5 KB · Views: 302

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
Here is mine with the 265's and a small TT (dont know if i am gonna put the bolts in Section) and no shackles or anything.

Did you like my big ass "JR"?
