Need help identifying "#20" in picture, please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help identifying "#20" in picture, please


Active Member
November 20, 2011
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Rocky Top, Tennessee
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1994 Exploder XLT

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Looks like it's the vacuum canister. Easy fix.
Thank-you! BTW What "should not" be working with the canister disconnected? At the moment, I'm not noticing anything failing (other than gas gauge and lift gate mount.)

Anything vacuum related: heater core bypass, pre heated air to airbox etc. If it's a broken/cracked plastic vacuum line you can get a new one, same with the 90° rubber fittings. As I said, its an easy fix.

as ~X~ stated, simple fix. if a hard line leading to the vacuum reservoir canister (#20) is broken, and the arched tube leading out from your canister is uncompomised, consider just purchasing some additional hard line and couplings to repair. That canister is just to maintain a negative pressure in the vaccuum controlled system during the instances when the engine while operating cannot provide sufficient vacuum for all vacuum accessories.

unfortunately, I have found that the dorman hard vacuum line & coupling options locally are no longer the correct diameters. You may have to purchase via the web.

easiest thing to notice not functioning properly is the cabin air circuit, or heater bypass again as ~X~ stated. Much more likely to notice vacuum accessory failure due to the erservoir or hose under load (driving up a hill)

IIRC these is a check valve on my truck that connects to that tank
