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Need Help With Spare Tire Rack

May 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Chugwater Wyoming
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ranger 4x4 XLT 4.0L
Its good to know there is more Ranger lovers out there.

Anyway I have a 1995 Ranger 4x4 that has Fords Off Road Package. When I bought it, it had really bad tires on it. So I went and bought BF Goodriches 31x10.50 R15 (265/75/R15) Long Trail Radials. When the tire man put them on he asked if I wanted to change out the Firestone Temp spare. So I did and found out that the new spare is to big to fit up in the spare rack. So this leads to my "?"

What can I do to get it to fit?

I have already moved the exhaust to infront of the back passenger side tire, which gave me a little more room.

Realy all I need is a plan to on how to make a tire rack that is easy to access.

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Mine came stock with a 265/75/R15 spare which did fit between the frame rails. Is there something to the Offroad package that takes up some space under there?

Well I took the whole rack off and had to beet the tire into it but the center braket hole where it gets screwed down to is off center and the exhaust was making the rack have a jog in it.

Now since I've moved the exhaust to infront of the tire I think i can get it up there. To do this i have to make a custom holder.

Do you have any suggestions on how to make one, RangerX?

Tomken's Jeep YJ Tire Rack for the Ford Ranger...

If you have several hundred dollars to spend, you can do what I did, and purchase the Tomken Jeep YJ tire rack for your Ranger. Here's what it cost me so far:

- Tire rack $199.00

- Dual Jerry Can Carrier $129.00

- Smittybuilt SMT - FB24-R tube bumer $275.00

Grand Total = $603

If anyone is interested, I will write up a trail review of this sturdy combo once my wife and I return from Baja - it will be an 11 day trip combining sand camping, lots of dirt trails [approx. 70 miles], Beach camping, and mountain camping - in the Sierra San Pedro Martir. If this combination can hold its own, I'll let you know that these products were winners (or losers).

Another idea is to mount it standing up against the inside side of the bed. JCWhitney sells two types of mounts. I took that idea and made my own with a steel strap, three bolts going into the bedside, and a piece of 1/2" allthread sticking out from the strap, through the spare's lug hole, with a lock washer and wing nut to hold it.

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