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Official Explorer MFT Problems / Issues / Feature Suggestions Thread

My two cents are either disconnct battery overnight or find fuse for MFT in manual and pull it out for some extended period.
Its unlikely to have any effect but who knows, at least you tried...

Disconnecting the battery resets a lot of other things too and should always be deemed as a last resort (unless done for safety while working on the vehicle).

The MFT has a "Reset" function that is supposed to delete all user data and roll it back to 'like new'.

There is also a downloadable zip file that will cause the MFT to do a full reboot. The file is not endorsed by Ford, but rather others extracted it from a Ford Update file. Reboot is really an option ford should have given us through the User Interface. Currently, the MFT does not shut down when you turn the vehicle off, it just goes to sleep, which is why restarting the car doesn't always clear up a problem. I won't endorse any one download location, but you can find the zip with google by searching for MFT delayed reboot.

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I am having issues. I ordered an A5 map yet get an invalid SD card message. I found out I am on version 12023 which according to ford if you want to buy a map you have to upgrade. But if you try to download the upgrade it says it is up to date. LIKELY because the previous owner never sent the .xml log file back to ford and left me STUCK did not turn in the SD card when they traded. I have now downloaded the 3.10 and 3.8 upgrades THANKS for the help and thanks for getting f150form.com to link me to you guys. SHOULD this install with me being this far behind? My vehicle already has nav they left the A3 card CASE in the glove box no card. I tried an A5 card and got that error likely due to the version I am on.

I am having issues. I ordered an A5 map yet get an invalid SD card message. I found out I am on version 12023 which according to ford if you want to buy a map you have to upgrade. But if you try to download the upgrade it says it is up to date. LIKELY because the previous owner never sent the .xml log file back to ford and left me STUCK did not turn in the SD card when they traded. I have now downloaded the 3.10 and 3.8 upgrades THANKS for the help and thanks for getting f150form.com to link me to you guys. SHOULD this install with me being this far behind? My vehicle already has nav they left the A3 card CASE in the glove box no card. I tried an A5 card and got that error likely due to the version I am on.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I'm guessing that you are currently on V3.10 since it is the latest. I also think that an A5 card should work on that version. The latest SD card is A8. Where did you purchase the A5 card? It may be defective if not ordered from Ford. There have been instances where cards bought from online sites did not work.
Also, I'm guessing this isn't for your 2001 whatever. Please update your profile with year, model and trim (Base, XLT, etc.) so it shows in the margin. That can be useful info to have. Thanks.


I am having issues. I ordered an A5 map yet get an invalid SD card message. I found out I am on version 12023 which according to ford if you want to buy a map you have to upgrade. But if you try to download the upgrade it says it is up to date. LIKELY because the previous owner never sent the .xml log file back to ford and left me STUCK did not turn in the SD card when they traded. I have now downloaded the 3.10 and 3.8 upgrades THANKS for the help and thanks for getting f150form.com to link me to you guys. SHOULD this install with me being this far behind? My vehicle already has nav they left the A3 card CASE in the glove box no card. I tried an A5 card and got that error likely due to the version I am on.

I would do a negative terminal battery disconnect for 20 minutes and see if you lose the error message

1.) bug
2.) 2015 Limited
3.) 26285 miles
4.) MFT v. 3.10
5.) I cannot get my texts read on my MFT any longer, just stopped. I have an iPhone 6 running v 11.3.1. I just get an error message that this device can't get messages via Bluetooth. I have tried pretty much everything. I have a feeling it's something Apple did in an update with the new Do Not Disturb setting.

Since having the dealer update MFT to 3.10, my rear A/C shuts off in the system when I turn the key off; so, every time I start the engine, I have to go back in and turn rear A/C back on. My '13 had 3.08, and it didn't do that. Is this a 3.10 issue, or just mine misbehaving? I have not done a master reset; I was hoping to avoid that since I just put everything back in after the upgrade.

ETA: the rear A/C actually stays on, but MFT doesn't seem to recognize that it's on. I have to hit the power 'button' twice you to regain control. In this pic, the system is actually on.

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