Other Headers besides TMH's? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Other Headers besides TMH's?

Are there any other headers out there for my Mountaineer besides the torque monsters. I know they are great headers I just dont really have that kind of money.

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Just those two.

Damn. Thanks for the info.

I was actually able to pick up a set of Motorsport "P" Headers not to long ago for around $200 NIB. The Torque Monsters are expensive, but that is the only real option for these things like stated above. Should have pulled off my '97 before I sold it, but they were a pain to install.

The FMS ones aren't much better than stock if you read around. Save your money for the real deal. TMH are money well spent. I waited 4 years for mine. Believe the hype.

I had a set of ford racing headers on my 97 mounty. Maybe mine were made on a good day at the factory but the quality was top notch. All the flanges were straight and the ports clean. They went on easy and plug access was better than stock. Much better than the cracked factory parts. Only advice it to use a good quality aftermarket set of gaskets.

I had a set of ford racing headers on my 97 mounty. Maybe mine were made on a good day at the factory but the quality was top notch. All the flanges were straight and the ports clean. They went on easy and plug access was better than stock. Much better than the cracked factory parts. Only advice it to use a good quality aftermarket set of gaskets.

Where can I find a set of the motorsports headers? Do they still make them?

I've never heard of quality issues with the FMS offerings. Just that they're almost as restrictive as OEM with very little performance gains over stock (unlike TMH). Save your money for the real deal. You won't regret it. I considered FMS myself, but came to my senses. ;)
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I think I got mine from summit but as everyone says they are scarce.

FYI...a set of FMS headers just came up for sale on ebay. no, they are not mine. just a friendly heads up.

The FMS "Headers" are not headers at all, rather they are merely glorified manifolds.

Only 2 tubes go to the collectors-they are shared tubes. Waste of money IMO
You are no better off than with a set of cast 99 up manifolds.
