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Overdrive light blinking


August 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fairbanks Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT 4x4
Hi, I recently had my transmission rebuilt at a shop. I have a 95 limited 4x4. The tranny works fine except the overdrive light keeps blinking. I have taken it back 3 times and they suposedly have fixed it but haven't. This last time I had it 2 hours before it started blinking again.
It is going into overdrive and out of overdrive when I press the button so I know that is working. I know it is saying something is wrong but don't know what code is comming up when they test it. The last time I had it in they said they replaced the wiring loom? Please help!!!

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Have them give you the code.

If OD works, then I'm guessing it's the torque converter slipping or a bad TPS (throttle position sensor).

overdrive light blinking cont;;;

Well I changed the TPS and it still and od light still comes on. The place that did the rebuild told me some of the codes ie temp control (I went and bought a new one) they put it in and also changed the thermostat. They also changed the valve body.) Still the overdrive light is blinking. I told them that I have been researching and that maybe it could be torque convertor and there response was that it wasn't bringing that code up. I asked them at what point are they going to pull the transmission and see if something was missed in the rebuild? No answer! I also told them that maybe it could be the speed gear in the transfer case. Any other suggestions????

I went through the same thing, after three times back to the Ford dealer, they replaced the torque converter and the problem was solved.

o/d light blinking

thank you for your response. I will suggest that to them again. (I mentioned it before but they insist on doing it there way)

OD light blinking

Just wanted to thank everyone for there help. I tried telling the place where I had the transmission rebuilt that more than one person on this site has said it was the torque convertor. They didn't believe me cause they weren't getting the code for this problem so they took it to the Ford dealership up here (in Alaska) and after spending about $400 they took it back and replaced the torque convertor. Guess What?? Problem Solved I didn't want to say a thing to them but my son couldn't resist and on the way out the door kindly Said "IN YOUR FACE"

Glad to help, I know how frustrating it was for me.

These helped me a lot/ I will try it at the mechanics tomorrow. Is is safe to drive? It did not seem like it was shifting gears corrrectly.
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o/d light blinks

I'm having the same issue right now. So...you're saying it's the torque converter??

OD blinking

I actually had the same exact problem in my 2002 Ford F150 with the 4R70W transmission. For about a week the OD light kept flashing and I took it to the dealership I bought the truck from and they said there were no problems. Well I had talked about it to a friend of mine a day or two before I had to drive to Dayton, Ohio for a drill assembly (in the Army) and he said that it's more than likely my overdrive band is gone or my torque converter is going bad. Well as luck would have it, driving back my transmission started to slip. After parking for a little and giving my truck a break I decided to keep on trucking since I only had about 15-20 miles to go until I was back home. As luck would have it my transmission caught fire. Took it to AAMCO and they said that the torque converter failed and locked up and got so hot that it caught the fluids on the inside on fire.

Well, ironically I just bought a 2001 Ford Ranger and the OD light blinks every now and again but it shifts fine and the light stops after turning the truck off then back on. All things considered I'm really starting to think that any Ford pickup with more than 40k miles on it is more than likely going to have its transmission fail on it. So until mine fails in it's own spectacular way, I'm just going to drive it until it blows...that's what a bumper to bumper warranty is for :)

Used to own a 1996 Taurus SHO and my OD light would flash if i didnt turn it off before driving it. If I forgot to turn it off 2 times in a row it would throw a CEL. Brought it to auto zone so they could pull the code. Bad shifter solenoid they said. Also said a trans flush may fix it. Drove it for about 10k miles like that without isssue just no overdrive. Sold the car so no idea what has happened since except the guy who bought it drove it for about a year and then started driving an F250.

i wanna thank everyone for the advise! about 1 1/2 weeks ago...the o/d light went out and it has stayed out.

Well my problem is solved, the second shop read the codes, I had lost second and fifth gear, seems the delay for shifting from first to second was actually missing second and hitting third when releasing gas. It seems the clip ring on the servo had let go letting the servo pop out partially and the rest is history. They rebuilt it but not before going through every piece needed so I would know what I was paying for. Because of information I have found on this forum I had a new Torque converter changed as well on my 5R55E Thanks for all the info guys it made things so easy to deal with and runs great. Oh and use correct fluid now I can't remember the name but #5 so 185,000km and a bad clip screwed it up lol Ouch$$$

My od light

At this moment my od light is blinking and I sent it back to the transmission people and they say it may be a computer problem. Please help. 96 xlt ford ranger.

When my tranny got rebuilt it also came back with a ticking noise by my ignition coil and it's weird. Can someone help please. 96 xlt ranger 4.0

I have a 2001 Ford Explorer XLT (V6/4.0L) w/ about 170k miles. I recently started seeing the O/D off light blink after the transmission revs up from a stop, from 1st to 2nd. The light will come on after going about 4-5 miles and then the acceleration is extremely slower than after the initial startup. The light only turns off when the vehicle is turned off and driving with O/D off makes no change; it still starts to blink and the results continue as always. From what I've read, it could be a bad torque converter or maybe some sort of sensor. The internet has lots of complaints but there's been so many different fixes that there's no common denominator that's been determined. Any additional help/advice is greatly appreciated.

Blinking Overdrive Light

I'm new to this forum and I have been reading a lot of problems im having so I went to ford.com/recalls and it seems that they have a recall on the verible speed control. Maybe this can help.

From what I can tell if the tranny is shifting and every thing else is fine on the rear axel there is a (VSS) Verible Speed Sensor. Sounds like to me that you need to have it replaced

Thank you for your help everybody. I had a blinking O/D light when I was driving at speed and use my streering wheel accesories, cruise, horn, ect...
I saw a post that said that if you OD worked and you were having the blinking syptoms you need to change the TPS(throttle position sensor) easy $36 fix I did my self. Be carful puting the TPS into place. There will be two screws and after you take them off see which way your TPS turns into place, slowly extract then put the new one in exactlty the same. Thanks

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