Paint on Aluminum Hoods Popping Up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint on Aluminum Hoods Popping Up


July 19, 2006
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Louisville - KY
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Has anyone had paint pop-up on the front edge and under the edge at the seam of their hood? I have heard this is a common problem with the aluminum hoods. It looks like a form of oxidation. It is a white coating under the paint. If you have, has Ford done anything about the problem on your vehicle?

joesacamano said:
Has anyone had paint pop-up on the front edge and under the edge at the seam of their hood? I have heard this is a common problem with the aluminum hoods. It looks like a form of oxidation. It is a white coating under the paint. If you have, has Ford done anything about the problem on your vehicle?
Wanted add the vehicle is a 2003 - 3mo.s out of service on warranty and 40K miles. It is the 3 stage white. Should the corrosion warranty cover this?

No problems with my blue '03 original that was replaced 2 months back since the wife crashed the front end.
I would think it would be covered under the corrosion warranty.

I just saw an article about this... Ford had a problem with contaminated aluminum panels. They were contaminated with Iron Oxide prior to painting. Most of the cases have been on vehicles which are out of warranty and there is no solution for those people. If you are still covered under warranty, the paint should be covered as well...
