Paint seems to be cracking in small circles.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint seems to be cracking in small circles....

Ok I tried using the search and found something like this but the thread died last year....anyway, here goes.
This past weekend my girlfriend and I were waxing her '99 Sport X and noticed A LOt of small circular cracking mostly on the hood, on the painted piece just above the hood, and on the top of the drivers side front fender. Then there are other random spots throughout the paint on the truck. It seems to me that the paint is bad, but I/we were wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and if there is anyway (although doubtful) to get Ford to repaint it. Other than paying a premium to get it repainted I don't know what to do. Any input is appreiated. Will try to get a pic up of it soon.

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It is possibly delamination. Paint loosing it's grip on the surface. I can not tell for sure with out looking at it.
Where is White Hall Maryland ? I might be able to look at it in person.

I seem to remember seeing htat on my friends Dodge. he had to have his repainted under warranty.

Originally posted by MONMIX
It is possibly delamination. Paint loosing it's grip on the surface. I can not tell for sure with out looking at it.
Where is White Hall Maryland ? I might be able to look at it in person.

We're about an hour north of you...I think we may have figured it out though. Hail damage! I forgot totally that she said thet there was decent sized hail about a week and a half ago at her place and when we washed it, the dimples in the paint showed up. So she put in a claim and we're heading to the body shop tomorrow for an estimate and to see what they say. Hopefully that's what it is...if not she's screwed.

I had that problem on my 97 explorer and my 98 expedition. Ford claimed it was from acid rain and would not cover the repairs.

I know a GREAT body shop an hour plus south of you !!!!!!

Well, it does appear that it is delamination of the paint. At the body shop we went too the guy told us that it looks like paint delamination. So, the battle begins.

Have it on my 96 on the driver's side fenter, about 1cm from the hood opening...


I have it all over my hood but, only on my hood. Doesnt look pretty... mine has gone all tht where there isnt any paint at all..

Mine too

I remember the thread. There were several trucks affected with this problem. My 95 has it also. Just on the hood.
When I see a cowl induction (scooped) hood that I like the hood goes away!


Have someone with an electronic paint thickness gauge measure the total paint film build on the hood, top, tops of the bed rails and compare the readings.

If the affected area shows more than a mil more than the rest of the areas, then there was some minor refinish work, (repainting) done either at the assembly plant or the dealership.

If the measurements show this additional film build, have them documented and present to Ford, I believe there will be no argument as to their paying for the repair, as long as you purchased the vehicle as new, and not used.

