Painted the Tal & Hadas Sport Bar today Camouflage Ultra Flat Black. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painted the Tal & Hadas Sport Bar today Camouflage Ultra Flat Black.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
I recently put the Tal & Hadas Sport Bar back on my Trac after a couple years. It looked great when I had the factory alloy wheels on my Trac but since everything has been paint black and I painted the Cragar's Camo Sand it doesn't exactly match.

I finally decided to paint it Camouflage Ultra Flat Black to dull it down and blend in with the truck. I've been debating whether or not I should do this. It's only 1 of 4 in the country and they don't make them anymore but if I want it back to the stainless steel shine it won't be hard to remove the paint since I didn't scuff it up or prime it first.

For those of you that were interested in buying this before it is still for sale for the same price as before. I did sell this to Jeff up in Ohio three years ago but he never installed it so I bought it back from him after he had it sitting in his garage for a year.

So what do ya'll think of the black Sport Bar? It's alot less shiny in person, the camera picked up alot of glare from the sunset.








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Nice Jerry I like it

so ya decided to keep it eh!?

Nobody came up with the cash so it didn't sell. I could be persuaded though if someone wanted it and had the money.

If anyone is still interested in buying the Sport Bar it's still for sale.

Figured I'd revive this thread if anyone was interested in it. It's been off the truck and in my carport taking up space. Let me know.

It looks white in some pictures but this is what it looks like stainless if you wanted to remove the paint.



