Problems with apten Brian please read! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problems with apten Brian please read!



Well I ordered my Apten chip from Brian last Wed. May 28th. He told me it would be here that Sat. I was like damn thats kinda fast but ok. Well as of now Wed. 3:40 its still not here. I left two msgs. for brian with no call back and I left him another msg. today with no call back yet. I checked and even with the slowest shipping it should have been here yesterday. Normally I would wait a couple more days but I have a appointment fri. at the dyno. Anyone have any suggestions?


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hey mike
I've been trying to a hold of him for the last few days as well so your not alone.

Brian must be out of town then. When I was having problems with my chip he allways got back to me with in a day.

I don't know if he is out of town but he did post on this board last night. Im so :confused:

Well I finally heard from Brian. It should be here any day now hopefully.

wow talk about open mouth insert foot, my chip finally came in today (along with my new intake and throttle body). I can't wait to put this stuff in. Then in goes the n2o and its off to the dyno.

Hehe, yeah I know how that feels. I have a few things that I would like to do, but all this damn rain is killing me! :(

You might want to delete this thread then, or change the title.

Things come up, sometimes things dont go as planned.....what counts is that you got your chip in a timely matter..

I wish I could change the title but only mods can do that. I am very pleased with the service I recieved from Brian at apten, and will be contacting him soon for another chip for my dads F-250 turbo diesel.

Hey Dom how hard was the throttle body? I have the same engine you do.


Not hard at all. The only problem I had was taking the two bottom bolts off. They were a little dificult to reach with a socket.

Oh yeah, there is a screw on the Throttle plat, the screw is used to adjust the TB. Before you install the new TB, make sure the screw is loose(not Stuck).

I installed mine and found out later I couldnt use the screw. So I had to think up a new way to adjust the throttle.

The UPS man always seems to arrive at my house at like 4-5PM, so I always have to wait all day to get my parts. Drives me nuts. :eek:

What happend was Brian said he sent it out U.S. mail priority service which takes 2-3 days. So after a week im sure you can imagine why I was starting to worry. I am not trying to denounce brian or his company in anyway. He is a very good guy and a pleasure to do business with. It's the good ol U.S. mail fault. :hammer:
