Problems with Auto Tranny: '98 Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problems with Auto Tranny: '98 Eddie Bauer


January 8, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer 5.0V8 AWD
Hello everybody, I frequently visit this forum but never posted before. Anyway, I have a '98 Explorer Eddie Bauer edition, I love it, its definitely a classic. Ok, back to the issue; I noticed that the RPM's seem kind of high while driving at highway speeds. I checked it out, 60mph in top gear runs at approximately 3000RPM and 70mph approximately 3900RPM. That seems very high, especially considering my older 1992 Eddie Bauer ran at much lower RPM's at similar speeds.

I tried counting the shifts, I only count three. If I turn the overdrive on or off it seems to gain or loose maybe 100RPM's (it is hard to even tell a change in the needle of the tach you can just feel something different). Anyway, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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What engine? Has it ever been modified? What gears are in it? Those numbers sound way too high. My 5.0 is around 2000 rpm at 60 mph.

It is the 4.0 SOHC motor, Control Trac (NOT AWD); no mods, no anything done to it EXCEPT that my Dad, without informing me, added tranny fluid to the truck and went two quarts over. I didn't know he had done anything to it until I checked the stick and called him up, so I drove it that way for probably three weeks.

Also, fyi, I have NO warning lights on in the instrument cluster. NO flashing OD light, NO check engine, nothing but man this thing is working hard just to get up to 75mph (considering 75mph brings it to a consistent 4K RPM's). Again any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, I almost forgot, I pumped out the extra 2 quarts of tranny fluid, which was dark brown, about 4 days ago. No change other than smoother shifts.

Anyone? This is pretty serious; I really can't take this truck on the highway past 55-60 because the RPM's are so high (and its damn loud too).

Have you changed the fluid and filter since all of this started? I wonder if you are going to find a broken part of a band when you take the filter out.

since you said your fluid was a brown color. start with a fluid and filter change. I recomend using royal purple fluid. it's not cheap but its great stuff. Also lucas oil sells transmission fluid additive that helps with shifting and it actually does work. Your looking at probably around 100.00 for all the stuff I listed. Of course if you find a broken part your not going to want to put that nice fluid in there in til the part is replaced.

Well, before I stuck expensive oil in it, I would have it diagnosed and see how bad a problem it has. It should have all it's shifts plus the converter engaging in at least direct and OD. I would drop the pan...or try and find a shop that will do it for you that you trust...and look at what's inside there. That may tell you enough. Try and find a shop that won't drive it around the block and tell you that you need a new trans. Find one that is willing to properly diagnose it. But if your trans is truly gone bad, there should be a bunch of gunk in the pan. If you aren't familiar with what to look for, again, a good shop will know...or take some pics and post them here.

This is all assuming the electrical end of the issue is operating correctly. Since you don't have an OD light flashing, we can assume that's probably true.

hmmm.. just a quote from a shop in Phoenix that will uninstall, rebuild, and reinstall the tranny for $1000. Wonder if I would be better off; I'll pull the pan first, hopefully there is not a crap load of metal shavings, etc...
