Projector Headlights peeling?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Projector Headlights peeling?!

I have a set of the 95-01 black projector headlights and it looks like there is clear coat peeling and flaking off. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, are there any fixes to this? I thought about trying to get the rest of the clear coat off and respraying a layer or 2 of clear coat. The only problem is I can't think of anything to take the rest of the clear off. The peeling start at the top of the headlight and works its way down.

Mine started peeling a little too. I've never cleared headlights, but if i did, i would probably wet sand with 2000 and do a couple coats of clear.

The peeling layer on mine is really thin and doesn't bother me too much.

You might get away with wet sand and a buff with no clear.

I have a set of the 95-01 black projector headlights and it looks like there is clear coat peeling and flaking off. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, are there any fixes to this?

Probably just new headlights.

The bulb heat will just melt/wear off/ dull any paint.
