Puddle Lamp Relay? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Puddle Lamp Relay?


Texas Elite Explorer
January 22, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Plano, TX.
Year, Model & Trim Level
None: SOLD 9/16
'98 SOHC 4x.

Both my puddle lights have gone out. Checked all interior fuses and they are all good. Checked mirror slide switch and that's ok. A suggestion here was to check the "puddle lamp relay." Is there such a thing? Never heard of that one. One post said that it is located in the rear quarter panel where the jack is located. Sorry, but there is a wiring cross-connect there but no relays. I assume the 'puddle lamp relay' on my '98 is in the engine compartment fusebox on the driver's side. Anyone know exactly which one it is?

As a side note, why don't manufacturers make a relay that has a 'failed' indicator on it? Fuses at least are made clear to easily see if it has failed. I'm no EE but I would think that might be easy to do on a relay and would be a great help in diagnosing elec system issues.

Don't know about puddle lights, but in my '97 EB there is a relay panel in the left rear forward of the jack storage area. The RAP module and all the lock relays are there; may be other things also. Good luck.
