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Questions about the 5 speed transmission


Well-Known Member
April 28, 2015
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Pensacola FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Sport
Several months back I replaced my bad manual transmission with a good used transmission. I took the time to clean and inspect it inside and out, replace all seals and shifter bushings and reseal the top cover and the tail-shaft housing including installing the three brass plugs. When I transferred over my old transmission mount it seemed in good shape being firm and almost impossible to twist or flex. when I installed the driveshaft I didn't grease the splines as I thought it would be lubed by the transmission fluid.

I have noticed that the shifter is jacking up and to the right under acceleration as if the driveshaft is pushing the rear of the transmission up and sideways. If I go over railroad tracks it also causes the shift lever to jerk around as well. This has been happening since the replacement of the transmission and I don't recall it doing this before.

My other Explorer was automatic so if this was happening I would never have seen it going on.

What is the wisdom of the group? Problem? or "They all do that"

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There will be a certain amount of flex with any rubber mount, but the tranny mounts are pretty weak as well. They are acceptable for daily driving, but I've torn quite a few from heavy towing. I am actually going to a polyurethane mount for the engine and transmission in my 93 to remedy this. In my 94 b4000 I would say the shifter moves about an inch under heavy acceleration with a new rubber mount. It was noticeably worse when the old mount tore. I didn't know it at the time, but I got a bit of a clunk, which turned out to be the transmission hitting the body. They are pretty good transmissions, my only complaint is 1-3 are quite a bit too tall for gearing. I like a nice low first to get going.

See mounting the gearbox. And, perhaps, the driveshaft is in a different position. It is advisable to do the label when removing the shaft from the transfer case. Mounts transmission for RWD and 4WD vehicles are different.

You say you inspected the mount when you installed the trans, several months ago. It possibly could have failed since then. It is a 20+ year old part...

Yes, it is 2wd. I've had other manual transmission vehicles before but I don't recall the rear end having so much effect on the transmission. There were no changes to the overall length of the M5OD-R1 in the later years were there?
