Rebuild or Replace a M5OD trans? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rebuild or Replace a M5OD trans?


Active Member
August 9, 2006
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City, State
WPB, FL / Southern Pines, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 sport OHV
Hi everyone, I hearby throw myself on your collective knoweledge. I have a 95 ex with M5OD manual transmission. I had the slave replaced a few years ago after it completely died, but still had problems shifting into 1st gear and now grind going into reverse and weirdly enough 3rd. I know that bleeding the clutch line would help, but on top of that I have no overdrive (nothing at all, like revving in neutral) and now that the weather is warming up the shifting is getting worse so... Should I rebuild the trans myself including new gears or simply buy a pre-rebuilt one and bolt it on? I only have about two weeks to get this done, but I think the time consuming part will be gathering the parts. After some research it looks like the general price for a rebuilt M5OD is about $700. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, this forum is awesome!

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When a company sells a rebuilt transmission does it mean they've replaced pretty much everything?

I think typically rebuilds only replace parts that are known to fail and parts obviously worn. Not everything will be new.

Thanks, that's what I figured... just trying to make a decision on whether I have the balls to rebuild myself. It's my only ride, so I can't take a lot of time figuring it out.

I personally wouldn't if its your DD and you have never rebuilt a tranny before.

My Ex has been down for the better part of a year now while I've rebuilt the tcase. That is entirely due to my laziness though and the fact its not my DD.

I did run into a few snags though and had to order additional parts....

That's what I was worried about. I'm also looking into finding another tranny to rebuild while I still limp around with mine. Dunno if it would be any cheaper than buying a rebuilt one after I do that.
I think I'm leaning towards the buying now, one less thing to do! It's not too bad switching them out from what I hear.
